

The universe is random in its evolutionary process

the evolution of the universe is the result of random interactions of energy and matter, which leads to conclude…

There is no fundamental organizing framework

therefore no need to look for one.

The tendency toward disorganization and dissolution, called entropy, is the only direction the evolution of the universe follows

with no inclusion of a principle of organization other than random interactions, the inevitable process of evolving systems is always heading towards entropy.

The universe is viewed as

a machine

it is made of a set of mechanical parts that can be taken apart and studied just as you would a clock.

Matter itself (the atoms and molecules that make everything in the “physical” universe)

is dead

it has no life or consciousness in it and is therefore completely at the whim of random forces.

The “machine” universe (the perceived “reality”) can be studied through the continual reduction of the whole to ever-increasingly smaller parts

the search for fundamental “particles” at the quantum level is the inevitable result of this reductionist approach.

This is our current

Scientific Perspective


Scientific Perspective

By Teresa Collins

Scientific Perspective

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