Routing in Angular

It's like routing... but not!

(have a whiteboard and marker)

For some this may feel like a valley...

Don't worry!


  1. Describe Angular Routing
  2. Create an angular route
  3. Use ng-view to inject templates into a *static* page using a route

This technique is called Post It

You'll revisit these!

Fake is the new Real

  • Angular Routing is client side only
  • Which means it's not routing as we know it
  • It can be thought of as an elaborate show/hide mechanism

If Angular is Client Side..

  1. Where must the Angular application live on your server?
  2. Will you have both client and server side routing? Why or why not?
  3. Is Angular routing more or less secure than routing in Express?


  • Is a attribute we place on a html element
  • Is where we render our template html files
  • Is modified buy our angular routing path -- the part after the #
    • points to the route path of "/"


After the preview:  

Livecode as a Team effort!

(note the bullet points on your whiteboard)

This is revisiting Post It, time for a CFU

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" ng-app='routingApp'>
  <title>It's routing time</title>
  <script src="./bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
  <script src="./bower_components/angular-route/angular-route.js"></script>
  <script src="app.js"></script>
  Which page are you on now?
<div ng-view></div>
  • Add angular-route through a CDN or local file
  • Add ng-view to your page


This is revisiting Post It, time for a CFU

var app = angular.module('routingApp', ['ngRoute'])

  when('/', {
    templateUrl: 'partials/hearthstone.html',
    controller: 'GamesController'

app.controller('GamesController', function($scope){
  $scope.favoriteGame = "Hearthstone"
  • Inject ngRoute as a dependency
  • Config your $routeProvider
  • Create related controller


This is revisiting Post It, time for a CFU

  My favorite game is: {{favoriteGame}}
  • Create a template with the HTML to be rendered when the correct angular path is requested


  • Run your server with http-server -c-1 o
  • rejoice! 🎉


Your Turn!

Create a:

  • HTML page,
  • app.js,
  • templates folder
  • template pages 
  • create 2 routes

Use Angular routing to *move* between your pages!


  1. Describe Angular Routing
  2. Create an angular route
  3. Use ng-view to inject templates into a *static* page using a route

This technique is called Post It

You'll revisit these!

Angular Routing

By Matthew Williams

Angular Routing

Routing in Angular 1.x

  • 691