Life Cycle Version -15.x

The 3 lifecycle  

  1.  UNSAFE_componentWillMount, UNSAFE_componentWillRecieveProps, UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate.

  1. Mounting — It is at this phase the component is created (your code, and react’s internals) then inserted into the DOM
  2. Updating — A React component “grows”
  3. Unmounting — Final phase
  4. Error Handling — Sometimes code doesn’t run or there’s a bug somewhere

LifeCycle Phase

LifeCycle Phase

LifeCycle Phase

1. constructor()

const MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
       points: 0
    this.handlePoints = this.handlePoints.bind(this) 


  static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) { 
     return {
        points: 200 // update state with this

  static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
    return null

The method name getDerivedStateFromProps comprises five different words, “Get Derived State From Props”.

Essentially, this method allows a component to update its internal state in response to a change in props.

class App extends Component {
  state = {
    points: 10
  // *******
  //  NB: Not the recommended way to use this method.
  // Just an example. Unconditionally overriding state here is generally considered a bad idea
  // ********
  static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
    return {
      points: 1000


class MyComponent extends React.Component {
   render() {
    return [
          <div key="1">Hello</div>, 
          <div key="2" >World</div>


// e.g requestAnimationFrame 
componentDidMount() {

// e.g event listeners 
componentDidMount() {

The updating lifecycle methods

30 Hours React JS Course - #06-Part-3

By Tarun Sharma

30 Hours React JS Course - #06-Part-3

React JS life Cycle Events

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