Patterns in React 


  • Function component
  • Destructuring props
  • JSX spread attributes
  • Merge destructured props with other values
  • Children types
  • Array as children in Component 
  • Function as children
  • Render prop
  • Children pass-through
  • Style component
  • Event switch
  • Layout component
  • Container component
  • Higher-order component
  • State hoisting
  • Controlled input component 

Function component

Function component

Destructuring props

Destructuring props in Component

Merge destructured props

React component Children


React component Children with destructuring 


Props.children ||  Children pass Through


Props.children ||  Children pass Through


Enforcing a single child


Proxy Component 


Proxy Component 


Style Component Pattern


Layout Component Pattern


Container Component Pattern

A container does data fetching and then renders its corresponding sub-component. That’s it."


Container Component Pattern



Higher Order Component Pattern



A higher-order function is a function that takes and/or returns a function  It's not more complicated than that. So, what's a higher-order component?

Higher Order Component Pattern



A higher-order function is a function that takes and/or returns a function  It's not more complicated than that. So, what's a higher-order component?

Higher Order Component Pattern



Controlled Component


React hooks are nothing less than a revolution in the React world. They simplify so many things. !! what all ??



Lifecycle Now

React JS Patterns

By Tarun Sharma

React JS Patterns

  • 686