An example of making a Login Activity
Have Android Studio already installed and setup
Start a New Project
Add the Volley library to your project
IBM Bluemix
Login Name
[Android Studio] Volley Library Extend Application Modify AndroidManifest.xml Login Activity Success Activity
[Sublime Text2] [NodeJS] Server App [ExpressJS] REST API methods [Nano] Connect to Cloudant
[Cloudant Dashboard] Databases Views
The native device code is written in Android Studio.
This is where the interactivity and displaying of data is performed with the user.
This is where we write the server-side JavaScript code that runs on top of NodeJS.
We use ExpressJS to expose REST API calls, within them we connect to Cloudant and retrieve the required data.
*Other editor tools are available
This is where we create the required Databases that contain the data we need to support the Android native application.
Cloudant is a Non-SQL database therefore the data is stored and returned in a JSON format, which makes using the Volley library extremely useful
By Tony Pigram
An example of making an Android Login mechanism using Volley, BlueMix, NodeJS, ExpressJS and Cloudant
Slides for presentations of things that I like talking about