Angular Material (2)

Ashraful Karim Miraz

Useful Links

Lets Start

Angular Material

CSS Typography

Introduction Directives


  • Autocomplete
  • Bottom Sheet
  • Chips
  • Content
  • Dialog
  • Fab Speed Dial
  • Fab Toolbar
  • Grid List
  • Icon
  • Menu Bar
  • Swip
  • Toast
  • Virtual Repeat


Create a Student List with registration form.


Data type:

Name, Age, Class (Autocomplete), Section (Radio), Roll No., Birth of Date


Create a List view with Students Data with group of Class Name with Subheader. In each List item there will be Student Name and Roll No.

  • On click on each list item there will show a Dialog box with the Student Details.
  • On Swipe to left the Item will delete with a Confirmation DialogAfter delete item a Toaster will show with delete confirmation text.


On top of the list there will be a Toolbar with Search Icon Button and Add Icon Button with Tooltip.

  • Click on Search Button an Input field will show with placeholder "Search Student". Search with Student Name or Roll No. and the list will change with result.
  • Click on Add Button There will show a Dialog Box with Student Registration form. After Add a student the item will add on the list.


N.B: all Student mock Data as a JSON type object in Controller. All button must have aria-label

Angular Material (2)

By Ashraful Karim Miraz

Angular Material (2)

Angular Material

  • 992