Will React Hooks replace Redux?

(or your favorite state management solution)

- Trivikram Kamat


Date: Thursday, December 13th, 2018

Trivikram Kamat

Software Development Engineer














What's your name again?

Will React Hooks replace Redux?

Mostly, YES

Thank you for listening!

Trivikram Kamat

Twitter: @trivikram

Github: @trivikr

Slides: https://slides.com/trivikram/will-react-hooks-replace-redux

What are we going to cover?

  • We'll go through a ToDo App from Redux

  • We'll replace Redux with React Hooks

Wait! What is Redux?

Let's search on the Internet!

And what does Hooks have to do with it?

Let's search on the Internet!

Coding time

Git repo: https://github.com/trivikr/react-hooks-todo

Removed redux dependencies, added react@next

created Context, added HoC with Provider

Replaced redux provider with Store

removed Redux, used dispatch from Context

removed Redux, used [state, dispatch] from Context

removed Redux, used [state, dispatch] from Context

Bonus: useEffect

Double Bonus: useRef

Triple Bonus: custom Hook?


  • React Hooks are here to stay

  • They're completely opt-in

  • They're 100% backward compatible

Thank you for listening!

Trivikram Kamat

Twitter: @trivikram

Github: @trivikr

Slides: https://slides.com/trivikram/how-to-contribute-to-node

Will React Hooks replace Redux?

By Trivikram Kamat

Will React Hooks replace Redux?

This slides is for Seattle ReactJS Meetup talk on React Hooks https://www.meetup.com/seattle-react-js/events/256260457/

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