What's self-control got to do with it?
Presented by:
Una Hartzell-Baird
Are you a good habit or a bad habit?
- Charles Duhigg- The Power of Habit
- Willpower, self-control -> the super powers of habit change
Why do we care about willpower?
"The practical significance is enormous. Most of the problems that plague modern individuals in our society -- addiction, overeating, crime, domestic violence, sexually transmitted diseases, prejudice, debt, unwanted pregnancy, educational failure, underperformance at school and work, lack of savings, failure to exercise -- have some degree of self control failure as a central aspect." - Roy Baumeister, PhD
Cookies or Radishes?
- Roy F. Baumeister, PhD- Self control as a limited resource
- Ego depletion- combination of energy and the processes involving energy (from Freudian theories)
- More likely to make bad decisions after self-control is exerted
- Glucose plays a role
- Being mindful about making changes in one area of your life can lead to changes in others
Work it out!
- Self-control is like a muscle- it fatigues with use
- It's also like a muscle in that it can strengthen! (sorry, you're not off the hook for that midnight Chubby Hubby binge)
- Muraven
- short term- 2 week study
- Oaten and Chang
- longer term- 2 month study
Chubby Bunny
- Mischel
- Marshmallow experiment
- 40 years!
- Brain scan studies
(spoiler alert, she's born with it)
Study Takeaways
(Psy Blog Remix!)
- Respect low ego
- Pre-commit
- Use rewards
- And penalties
- Fight the unconscious (mere suggestion of temptation)
- Adjust expectations (it's ok to lie to yourself and be overly optimistic- as long as you're not outside of the realm of reality)
- Adjust values (value your goals and thumb your nose at temptations)
- Use your heart (emotions can help you meet your goals)
- Self affirmation
- Think abstract (why not just how you're doing something)
Have you tried...
- accountability
- delegation
- keepin' it real
- glass half full
- delayed gratification
- two at a time
- one at a time
- Om
- will I regret this in the morning?
- it's tempting...but no
- Tahiti. I hear it's a magical place...
Where has the time gone?
Suggested reading
Q & A
- http://diabetogenic.wordpress.com/
- http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/willpower-self-control.pdf
- www.someecards.com
- http://quantumpni.co.za/resources/docs/gailliotetal07JPSP.pdf
By Una Hartzell-Baird
- 996