COVID-19 Chatbot Workshop

Upkar Lidder

IBM Developer

> @lidderupk


IBM Developer

1. Create IBM Cloud Account using THIS URL

3. If you already have an account, use the above URL to sign into your IBM Cloud account.

2. Check your email and activate your account. Once activated, log back into your IBM Cloud account using the link above.

Workshop - Goals

IBM Developer
Create a chatbot using Watson Assistant that can respond to common questions about COVID-19

Bot Basics

IBM Developer


IBM Developer
  1. Sign up / Log into IBM Cloud -
  2. Create a Watson Assistant Service
  3. Import the skill json file
  4. Create an assistant
  5. Preview your chatbot!

Step 1 - sign up/ log into IBM Cloud

IBM Developer

Step 2 - locate Watson Assistant in the catalog

IBM Developer

Step 3 - create new Watson Assistant service

IBM Developer
IBM Developer

Oops - only one free instance allowed in lite plan!

IBM Developer

Step 4 - launch Watson Assistant

IBM Developer

Step 5 - create a skill

IBM Developer

Step 6 - create skill

IBM Developer

Step 7 - create a dialog skill

IBM Developer

Step 8 - import the skill json file

IBM Developer

Step 9 - try out your new bot!

IBM Developer

Step 10 - after it finishes training ...

IBM Developer


IBM Developer

Thank you


Let's chat !

IBM Developer

Upkar Lidder, IBM



IBM Developer

Watson Cognitive Services - assistant

IBM Developer
  • Intent recommendations
    • leverage human-to-human logs
  • Digressions
    • handle related questions
  • Slots / Handlers
    • handle interruptions
  • Complicated flow in the Dialog editor
    • jumps and conditions
  • Disambiguation
    • multiple intents matched for an utterance
  • Search Skill

    • Discovery Integration

  • Service Desk Integration
    • Intercom, Zendesk
  • Free preview link

    • good for hackathon demos

  • Quick integration with Facebook and Slack

  • Voice Agent

    • STT

    • Watson Assistant

    • TTS

  • ​Call Cloud Functions from inside assistant

    • integrate with other services


By Upkar Lidder


  • 995