What, Why, and How of Serverless

Top three use cases with examples

Upkar Lidder, @lidderupk

Developer Advocate, IBM


- ulidder@us.ibm.com

- @lidderupk

IBM Cloud - http://bit.ly/ibm-postcon-2019

IBM Developer

What is Serverless

Serverless computing refers to the concept of building and running applications that do not require server management.


It describes a finer-grained deployment model where applications, bundled as one or more functions, are uploaded to a platform and then executed, scaled, and billed in response to the exact demand needed at the moment.


It refers to the idea that consumers of serverless computing no longer need to spend time and resources on server provisioning, maintenance, updates, scaling, and capacity planning. Instead, all of these tasks and capabilities are handled by a serverless platform and are completely abstracted away from the developers​.

Cloud Native Computing Foundation


IBM Developer

Top 3 Common Use Cases - we saw today

  • Secure and scalable APIs
    • API Gateway Function
    • HTTP level scaling


  • Backend services / micro services
    • function/service level scaling
    • polyglot functions


  • Event Driven Programming
    • Changes in database
    • Social events
IBM Developer

Leans well to ...

  • Small, focused, asynchronous, concurrent, easy to parallelize into independent units of work


  • Infrequent or has sporadic demand, with large, unpredictable variance in scaling requirements


  • Stateless, ephemeral, without a major need for instantaneous cold start time


  • Highly dynamic in terms of changing business requirements that drive a need for accelerated developer velocity


IBM Developer

Example - Game App

IBM Developer

Example - Conference App

IBM Developer

Serverless Landscape





Reference Clients

IBM Developer


90% cost reduction with serverless functions that run only when users need it


Accommodates peaks on weekends and garbage days

Provides monitoring and analytics capabilities to help waste management organizations improve service delivery

GreenQ Ltd

ESPN Fantasy Football

IBM Developer

ESPN and IBM have teamed up to bring a new level of insight to fantasy football team owners that correlates millions of news articles with traditional football statistics.



The services comprehends over 2 million news articles, videos, and podcasts per day. Over the first 9 weeks of the football season provided over 12.2 billion insights for the millions of ESPN Fantasy players.

CNCF - Serverless

IBM Developer

IBM Code Patterns

IBM Developer

Apache OpenWhisk

Apache OpenWhisk is an open source, distributed Serverless platform that supports a programming model in which developers write functional logic (called Actions), in any supported programming language, that can be dynamically scheduled and run (with Rules) in response to associated events (via Triggers) from external sources ( Feeds) or from HTTP requests.

IBM Developer

Apache OpenWhisk

IBM Developer

Secure and scalable APIs

IBM Developer

Secure and scalable APIs

IBM Developer

Backend services / micro services

IBM Developer

Backend services / micro services

IBM Developer

Backend services / micro services

IBM Developer
ARG model
FROM codait/${model}:latest

ADD openwhisk.py .


CMD python openwhisk.py

Event Driven Applications

IBM Developer

Event Driven Applications - dark vision

IBM Developer

Apache OpenWhisk - more real example

1user registers
2tail logs
IBM Developer

Apache OpenWhisk - more real example


IBM Developer

Solid Foundations

Leverages existing opensource solutions

IBM Developer

Solid Foundations

Leverages existing opensource solutions

IBM Developer

Built on Open Source

IBM Developer


IBM Developer


IBM Developer


IBM Developer

Apache OpenWhisk (js)

Entry point

Object In

Object Out

IBM Developer

Apache OpenWhisk (js)

IBM Developer

Some things to 🤔

  • Functions are stateless. Need some sort of persistence between runs.
  • Are you able to test and develop locally ? Does provider have CLI ?
  • Can you easily version your functions ? Source control ?
  • Can you easily monitor your functions ?
  • Security and API gateway
  • Avoid long-running loops / mini-monoliths ?
  • Latency (cold, warm and hot loads)
  • How do you track dependencies ?
IBM Developer

Community and Help

  • Slack
  • http://openwhisk-team.slack.com/



  • Github and OpenWhisk docs




  • Youtube/Medium/Twitter



  • Bi-weekly interexchange meetings
IBM Developer

Future of Serverless ?

IBM Developer

Thank you


Let's chat !

IBM Developer

Upkar Lidder, IBM





Composition / Orchestration



THEN Action Name


ELSE Action Name


IBM Developer

Composition / Orchestration

IBM Developer

So much more ...

  • More Compositions - Use higher-level programming constructs to declaratively chain together multiple actions.
    • while, repeat, let, retry, try, if, etc


  • HTTP Actions (web == true)


  • Packages community (couchdb, kafka, etc)


  • API Gateway (rate limiting, authentication/authorization)


  • Install external packages, debugging, etc
IBM Developer

KUI Shell

IBM Developer

Serverless Usecases

By Upkar Lidder

Serverless Usecases

  • 777