A Basis For Generating

Expectancies For Verbs From Nouns

by K. McRael, M. Hare, J.L. Elman, T. Ferrett


Presented by Vachagan Gratian

Generating expectancies help to make predictions about information underlaying the incoming text and limit the number of possible interpretations.

micro-level predictions

"n-grams", syntactic structure

macro-level predictions

semantic & pragmatic information, crossreferences


Generating expectancies

Consider two examples:

"He ate his grandma"

"He ate bit she is"

Generating expectancies

Remember the graph theoretic problem of probabilistic parsing:


E.g., if N=10, G= 100,000,000


G (number of graphs) = N N-2

Question 1:

What elements are used to generate these expectations?






... played ...

... game ...

Nonverbs? (Nouns, Adjectives, Prepositions, etc)

What about  verb-final languages then?

Question 2:

What role play world knowledge and semantic parsing?


Scenario 1:

Only low-level, coarse-grained data is used


Scenario 2:

High-level data, eg. pragmatics, event knowledge, are part of the expectancy generation process.

Event knowledge knowledge about thematic roles associated with a verb or situation.

Event knowledge as a function





             adjectives, etc.






Experminent 1


short SOA

50ms interval

Experminent 2


long SOA

300 ms interval


Purpose of the experiments: Demonstrate the presence of a noun can lead to predict an associated verb as a word-word priming task.

- particpants read prime (noun) silently

- and read target (verb) aloud

- as predicted, in both cases unrelated pairs showed higher latency and lower accuracy

What is Priming?









What is Priming?

The cerebellum has a very important role in the creation of associations between events or representations that are in temporal sequence (...) pairing motor actions to their expected sensorial outcomes and vice versa.

--Allen-Walker, L.S.T et al (2018

Forward vs Backward priming

FLOWER                      ROSE

ROSE                   SISTER

Backward priming happens when the second word helps to a assign a semantic role to the preceding one.

Conclusion and Questions


- Allen-Walker, L.S.T. et al (2018), "Facilitation of Fast Backward Priming After Left Cerebellar Continuous Theta-Burst Stimulation". The Cerebellum, April 2018, Volume 17, Issue 2, pp 132–142.


- Collins, Allan M.; Loftus, Elizabeth F. (1975). "A spreading-activation theory of semantic processing". Psychological Review. 82 (6): 407–428.

Generating Expectancies

By vgratian

Generating Expectancies

Presentation about the paper "A basis for generating expectancies for verbs from nouns" by K. McRae e.a.. For the class Introduction to Psycholinguistics at Stuttgart University, May 29, 2018.

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