Python Basics

What is Python and what is it used for?

  • Python is a general purpose programming language created in the late 1980s and named after Monty Python.
  • People use python to make games, create web applications, compile data, solve business problems, etc.

Python Keywords

Keywords are reserved words that cannot be used as a variable name, function name or any other identifier.

Your code editor will highlight (most) keywords


  • Variable names can contain only letters, numbers and underscores. They can start with a letter or an underscore, but not with a number.
  • Spaces are not allowed in variable names, but underscores can be used to separate words in a variable names.
  • DO NOT use keywords and function names as variable names
  • Variable names should be short but descriptive

Variables are 'containers' for data. It holds a value. Basically they are Pointers (references) to data stored in Memory (RAM)

Creating a variable


Data Types

  • String
  • Number
  • List
  • Dictionary
  • Tuple
  • Boolean

String Data Type

A series of characters wrapped in 'quotes'

// Strings are wrapped between double quotes
"Hello World"

// or single quotes
'Hello Solar System'

// wrap literal single quotes in double quotes
"Hello Local Interstellar Cloud, i'm fine"

// wrap literal double quotes in single quotes
'Hello "Local Bubble", how are you?'

// or escape double quotes with a backslash \
"Hello Orion's \"Arm\""

// or escape single quotes with a backslash \
'Hello Virgo\'s Supercluster'

// concatenate strings
"Observble" + "universe"

// concatenate with a space
"Observble" + " " + "universe"

String Concatenation

Adding or combining strings together

// Strings are wrapped between double quotes
"Hello World"

// or single quotes
'Hello Solar System'

// wrap literal single quotes in double quotes
"Hello Local Interstellar Cloud, i'm fine"

// wrap literal double quotes in single quotes
'Hello "Local Bubble", how are you?'

// or escape double quotes with a backslash \
"Hello Orion's \"Arm\""

// or escape single quotes with a backslash \
'Hello Virgo\'s Supercluster'

// concatenate strings
"Observble" + "universe"

// concatenate with a space
"Observble" + " " + "universe"

Spacing with Tabs or Newlines

Using whitespace to organize your output

// Strings are wrapped between double quotes
"Hello World"

// or single quotes
'Hello Solar System'

// wrap literal single quotes in double quotes
"Hello Local Interstellar Cloud, i'm fine"

// wrap literal double quotes in single quotes
'Hello "Local Bubble", how are you?'

// or escape double quotes with a backslash \
"Hello Orion's \"Arm\""

// or escape single quotes with a backslash \
'Hello Virgo\'s Supercluster'

// concatenate strings
"Observble" + "universe"

// concatenate with a space
"Observble" + " " + "universe"

Number Data Type

Number as Strings

Sometimes you'll use a variable's integer value within a message.

But Python isn't too sure how to interpret the number value. Hence you'll need to convert the integer as a string of characters.

List Data Type

A list is a collection of items in a particular order.

  • A list is wrapped in brackets [ ] 
  • List can contain any data type 
  • List are zero-based indexed (starts from 0 )
  • List will always have a length (number of elements in the list)
  • Can access elements in the list by its index position 
  • Can assign specific element of the list using an index into the list
  • List have methods that can modify or access values within the list

Accessing Elements in a List

Dictionary Data Type

A collection of key-value pairs.

  • A dictionary is wrapped in braces { } 
  • Each key is connected to a value by a colon 
  • Each key-value pair is separated by a comma
  • Dictionaries are dynamic, you can add new key-value pairs at any time

Accessing Values in a Dictionary

Tuple Data Type

A group of values similar to list but cannot be changed.

  • A tuple is wrapped in parenthesis ( ) . 
  • Tuples are immutable, values cannot be updated or changed
  • Tuples can contain any data type
  • Tuples are also zero-base indexed
  • Tuples are faster than lists

Accession Values in a Tuple

Boolean Data Type

Represent a True or False value.

Python Arithmetic Operators

+      Addition

-       Subtraction

*      Multiplication

/       Division

%     Modulus

**    Exponent

//     Floor Division

Python Comparison Operators

==       equality

!=        inequality



>         greater than

<         less than

>=       greater than or equal to

<=       less than or equal to

Python Assignment Operators

=     Assignment 

+=   Increment and Assign

-=    Decrement and Assign

*=   Multiply and Assign

/=    Divide and Assign

%=  Modulus and Assign

**= Exponent and Assign

//=  Floor Division and Assign

Python Basics

By vic_lee

Python Basics

  • 689