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Web Presence

If I search for your name, what will I find? What is your web presence?


What makes up a business or an individual's web presence? List at least 5 things.

Web presence includes all public information available on the internet about a person, business, brand, etc.

Eduardo Juarez is a Guatemalan writer. What is his web presence?

Do a search and try to find all public information on him.

Expanding his web presence.

We are going to help him expand his web presence. He is also a photographer and he needs to set up a website to work as a gallery for his work. 


  • We will need to learn to create a website.
  • Code in HTML
  • Edit Images for web.


Step 1:

  • Register in Codecademy.com with your school account.
  • Do 1 of the two courses assigned there.
    • Biginner HTML course
    • Advanced HTML course

Completing the course will grant you 15 net points in your zona.

Step 2:

  • Download an HTML editor.
    • WYSIWYG Editor 
    • Text Editor

Research 3 alternatives for each. at least 1 of them should be open source.

Step 3:

  • Build the website.
    • Draw a diagram of the pages in your website
    • Draw a sketch of how your web pages are going to look.
    • Code your pages including images and links, tables, divs, etc.

What you will turn in:

You will turn in a finished website that includes all images. Your finished website will be worth 15 net points in your zona. 

Time frame: you will have a week and a day to complete this project.

Web Presence

By Victor Castro

Web Presence

a presentation to introduce the task of building a website.

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