Storytelling for ux research

Packaging insights for impact

V. Sri, Content Designer

This was my first job

This was my boss

You need to tell the right story

This is you

Is this your audience?

Imagine: this reaction

  • Nuts and bolts
  • Stories are about tension
  • Shelves
  • Some simple story frameworks
  • Renovation
  • Let's workshop our stories


the data

 The Greatest Sales Deck I’ve Ever Seen 

 Want a Better Pitch? Watch This. 

 For Startups, the Power of “Why Now” 

Zak, P. (2015). Why Inspiring Stories Make Us React: The Neuroscience of Narrative. Cerebrum: The Dana Forum On Brain Science, 2015. Link

Lin, P., Grewal, N., Morin, C., Johnson, W., & Zak, P. (2013). Oxytocin Increases the Influence of Public Service Advertisements. Plos ONE. Link

How storylines can aid memory. (2012). the Guardian. Retrieved 17 October 2018 Link

Stephens, G., Silbert, L., & Hasson, U. (2010). Speaker-listener neural coupling underlies successful communication. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences. Link

Paul, A. (2014). Opinion | The Neuroscience of Your Brain on Fiction. Retrieved 17 October 2018. Link

Young, K., & Saver, J. (2001). The Neurology of Narrative. SubStance, 30(1/2), 72-84. Link

Nuts and bolts

Stories are about tension

If nothing else, remember this



Our expectations were upended when... because of that, this happened

tension makes a story a story


Simple story frameworks

five-part Pitch

Marketing consultant Andy Raskin created this five-part pitch to help businesses create better sales deck. I liked it so much, I created a Star Wars based summary of Raskin's framework.


UX researcher Amy Rogers writes about Kishōtenketsu, a four-stage narrative structure from Japan with roots in classical Chinese poetry. 



AIDA is the oldest trick in a copywriter's toolbelt.

It's also an easy way to subdivide a piece of content for maximum influence.


Let's workshop our stories

Example of a UX research summary slide

Name the enemy

...and give it teeth

Why now?

Show the promised land

Renovated version (same info, clearer story)

Identify obstacles (and how to overcome them)

Provide evidence

Why now?

Promised land

Obstacles / Evidence

ready to work on yours?

Sentence stacking

Write out each sentence on a separate line. Instead of a continuous snake of sentences, start with a vertical list.

When you stack your sentences in a column, they become easier to see and move around.


This line-by-line approach can bring clarity to your writing.

ShopEZ is an emerging ecommerce platform

We did usability testing, surveys, Google analytics review

Their current checkout experience has high cart abandonment

There is confusing navigation between checkout steps

We evaluated their entire checkout flow

Lack of payment options

No guest checkout options

The task completion rate was 60%

Shipping costs too high

Lack of payment options

To rectify this we can simplify the checkout

Build in more transparency for shipping costs

Increase payment options

Implement guest checkout

Storytelling for UX Research

By V Sri

Storytelling for UX Research

How to package research insights for maximum impact.

  • 295