My 6th Camel Ride

Christina Lin

Start up JBoss Fuse by going to$FUSE_INSTALLED_FOLDER/bin and execute

  • Linux/Mac
    • ./fuse
  • Windows
    • fuse.bat

After startup, create fabric by typing in 

fabric:create --wait-for-provisioning

Logon to http://localhost:8181/ with ID/PWD admin/admin, here you will see the fabric view of the environment.

Go to pom.xml in your project, add fabric8 plugin, between <plugins> tage


Add the properties for the plugin inside properties tag

<fabric8.parentProfiles>feature-camel</fabric8.parentProfiles>       <fabric8.features>camel-dozer camel-jaxb camel-jackson camel-jms activemq-camel</fabric8.features>

Save, Right click on your project, select Run as, maven build and run fabric8:deploy

Go back to console, check if your profile is under the wiki page

Go to  Containers, create a new container by clicking +Create button on the right.

Enter mylabcon for the Container Name , and select lab workshop profiles.

Give it a few seconds to run, you will see the camel sign on the right

If you want to see the camel counter, go to Profile ->Default profile and change the 

You can now play with the content by placing the order file under

$JBOSS_INSTALL_PATH/instances/mylabcon/myxml or $JBOSS_INSTALL_PATH/instances/mylabcon/otherVendor

Stop the application by go to container-> select mylabcon and click on "stop"

Go back to command line console, and type in exit.

6th Camel Ride completed!

My 6th Camel Ride

By weimeilin

My 6th Camel Ride

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