Agile Development


Contrast "Waterfall" & "Agile"

Understand the Values of Agile

Identify Steps & Roles in Scrum Process

Plan & Collaborate Using Pivotal Tracker

In Short...

Agile, Scrum, and Tracker are important processes and tools used by many development teams today.


Becoming familiar with how real development happens now will help you plan projects during the course and transition more quickly after school.


Waterfall & Agile

Getting Started w/Tracker

Scrum Process

Writing Stories


Waterfall & Agile

Getting Started w/Tracker

Scrum Process

Writing Stories

Waterfall & Agile

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

Agile Manifesto:

Waterfall & Agile

Principles Behind the Agile Manifesto


Waterfall & Agile

Getting Started w/Tracker

Scrum Process

Writing Stories

Getting Started w/Tracker

Sign Up for


Waterfall & Agile

Getting Started w/Tracker

Scrum Process

Writing Stories

Scrum Process

Tracker has been built specifically for the
Scrum Process

Scrum Process

A feature gone wrong! A bug is when some element of a feature has unexpected results.


Tasks that must be completed to keep the product running. Chores do not result in any new functionality.


An individual feature. Features are typically new functionality that requires human/machine testing.


Scrum Process

Stories that have been prioritized and pointed, but are not part of what is currently agreed upon for the sprint.


Cards for the current sprint. The expectation is that all cards in Current at the start of the sprint will be completed.


Stories that have not been prioritized and are not pointed. The Icebox is often used as a Product Backlog.


Scrum Process

An individual who helps manage the Scrum Process. S/he makes sure everyone follows the rules.

Scrum Master

You! The team in charge of pointing and delivering on what cards are prioritized during the sprint.


The individual who writes, prioritizes, and accepts stories. Liaisons between developers and the rest of the team.

Product Owner

Scrum Process

Stories are written and go to the Ice Box

At the Sprint Meeting, some cards go to the Backlog

Cards are prioritized and pointed

Work begins!


Waterfall & Agile

Getting Started w/Tracker

Scrum Process

Writing Stories

Writing Stories

As a {role} I want {feature} so that {benefit}

As a user I want a single button to mark all my notifications as "read" so that I can quickly clear notifications on my dashboard.

No implementation details!

As an admin user I want a notification when a product is purchased so that I can update inventory.

Writing Stories

Create a Pivotal Tracker Project and invite your group members

Write stories for one of the following:


A Message Board (e.g. Reddit)

Email Client (e.g. Gmail)

Search Engine (e.g. DuckDuckGo)

Prioritize the cards based on what is needed to get to an MVP fastest

Writing Stories

Planning Poker

Allow everyone to read the card; if anything is immediately unclear, ask questions and get clarity

On a count of three, everyone puts up the number of points they believe the card to be, in fingers

The Scrum Master guides the group to consensus; high and low numbers typically defend their views

This whole process is subjective!

Agile Development

By Wes Reid

Agile Development

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