Wojciech Odrobila Longford -Architecture and design were not always two twinned activities, in the history of humanity they were not always related. At the beginning, at the beginning of man it can be said 
that the design was in the minds of men, that what came out of their heads was what they tried to capture in reality. Later, in the Roman houses they had some previous design, 
a sketch and this can be considered the beginning of the architectural design as we know it today. There are no writings or plans found of the Parthenon or the great Greek buildings.
What is known is that in the construction of the city of Florence, carried out by Brunelleschi, the first Renaissance architect, he had to present sketches to the Bishop of Florence 
in order to approve the works.
From there the plans, sketches, were more linked to the previous part of the presentation of an architectural work. Unlike the prehistoric era, it was now necessary to capture 
what the architect had in mind on paper and carry this document that would be evaluated and modified even by other architects. This new procedure gave the science 
of construction and design another character.
Wojciech Odrobina - With the foregrounds and designs, cities from nowhere could be designed and built and applied knowledge of the exact sciences such as geometry, mathematics, 
engineering and calculus were vital for this.
Architecture and design are also related to interior design or interior architecture.
The interior design is as important as the exterior design therefore there is a specialty, the interior architect who deals exclusively with designing as will be the interiors of a building, 
or make remodeling and extensions. This is a new specialty given the complexity of the work, which is studied in several universities in the United Kingdom, the United States,
 Germany, the Netherlands; Architects exclusively dedicated to design, project interior spaces.
As for the hermeneutics of the terms architecture and design, there is sometimes some confusion between the two terms and their respective role in business. 
According to specialists, architecture focuses on strategy, structure and purpose, towards the abstract. The design focuses on implementation and practice, towards the concrete.
Most designers and architects will do both types of work, but most would be described both as a designer and as an architect according to how it is frequently presented.
Architecture without design is nothing, it can remain forever in a world in search of increasingly fine and idealized abstractions. Design without architecture tends to look for 
solutions optimized exclusively for a single task in a technical context, only for current techniques and technologies.
Wojciech Odrobina Carrick on Shannon - Both architecture and design are essential. We can only come up with suitable, useful, easy-to-maintain solutions as long as the architecture and design reach an appropriate balance.
One of the reasons why good architects are relatively rare to find is that, in order to work well, architecture must cover an increasingly wider scope, which unites through more 
and more disciplines, and still remain grounded , to the immediacy of everyday practice. Designers need only concentrate on an individual and manual task.
There are many good designers out there; and a good architect will know how to identify, use and respect his skills.


By Wojciech Odrobina Longford


Wojciech Odrobila Longford -Architecture and design were not always two twinned activities, in the history of humanity they were not always related. At the beginning, at the beginning of man it can be said that the design was in the minds of men, that what came out of their heads was what they tried to capture in reality.

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