CS50P 8_Object-Oriented Programming
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Class ( 類別 )
Object ( 物件)
Attribute ( 屬性 )
Method ( 方法)
Constructor ( 建構子 )
Class provides a way to bundle data and functionality together, creating a new class also creates a new type of object, which allows for the creation of new instances of that type.
Class 提供了一種結合資料與功能的手段。建立一個 class 將會新增一個物件的型別,並且允許建立該型別的新實例。
Class Description
An abstract concept - cars, humans, elephants, cakes ...
Cars are vehicles can move.
Humans are primate can think.
Elephants are big animals can walk.
Cakes are food that can be sold.
Class -- Car
It has a brand, price, power source, and license plate number.
Inherently powered by a motor and wheels, it moves forward.
It can have features like cruise control and lane-keeping assist.
Attribute - static data
Method - action operation
Class definition
class ClassName:
Object instantiation
object = ClassName()
How to Use the Class
Class Example - Car
# Define a car Class
class Car:
pass # nothing to do
car1 = Car() # Car instance / car object
car2 = Car() # Car instance / car object
Instance Variable
Each instance has its own attribute
# Define a car Class
class Car:
pass # nothing to do
car1 = Car() # Car instance / car object
car1.brand = "Toyota"
car2 = Car() # Car instance / car object
car2.weight = 450
__init__() Special Method
Create default instance variables.
init(self [,... ]): constructor self is the instance itself
#initial the instace variable withr default value
def __init__(self):
self.attribute = "default value"
#initial the instace variable with user defined value
def __init__(self, attr1):
self.attribute = attr
Define the Car Class and Default Instance Variables
# Define a car Class
class Car:
# Special Metho, Constructor
def __init__(self):
# initial instance variable
self.brand = "Toyota"
Define the Car Class and Default Instance Variables
Creating Object: Car Class with Default Instance Variables
class Car:
# Constructor
def __init__(self):
# initial instance variable
self.brand = "Toyota"
car1 = Car()
Creating Object: Car Class with Default Instance Variables
Creating Objects: Car Class with initial Instance Variables
class Car:
def __init__(self, brand):
self.brand = brand
car1 = Car("Toyota")
car2 = Car("Tesla")
Creating Objects: Car Class with Initial Instance Variables
Object Access Attribute
class Car:
def __init__(self, brand):
self.brand = brand
car1 = Car("Tesla")
# print car brand
print(f"car1.brand is {car1.brand}")
car1.brand is Tesla
Default Initial Values for __init__()
class Car:
# sepacial method with default Toyota brand
def __init__(self, brand = "Toyota"):
# initial instance variable brand
self.brand = brand
car1 = Car() # No brand --> brand is Toyota
print(f"car1.brandis {car1.brand}")
car1.brand is Toyota
Create Objects with Default Initial Values
class Car:
# sepacial method with default Toyota brand
def __init__(self, brand = "Toyota"):
# initial instance variable brand
self.brand = brand
car1 = Car("Tesla") # brand is Tesla
print(f"car1.brand is {car1.brand}")
car1.brand is Tesla
Initial Values for __init__()
Create Objects with Initial Values
Instance Methods
The methods in the class do not have any decorators.
Class ClassName:
def method(self[,...]):
Car Class with Instance Methods
class Car:
def __init__(self, brand = "Toyota"):
self.brand = brand
# instance method
def info(self):
return f"This car is {self.brand} brand)"
Access instance method
class Car:
def __init__(self, brand = "Toyota"):
self.brand = brand
def info(self):
return f"The brand of the car is {self.brand}"
car1 = Car("Tesla")
The brand of the car is Tesla
Access instance method
Class Variable
Class ClassName:
attribute = xxx
Car Class with Class Variable
class Car:
chinese_name = "汽車" # 類別變數 class variable
def __init__(self, brand = "Toyota"):
self.brand = brand
def info(self):
return f"This {self.brand} is {self.chinese_name}"
car1 = Car("Tesla")
car2 = Car("Toyota")
This Tesla is 汽車
This Toyota is 汽車
Both cars, chinese_name, are the same!!!
Car Class with Class Variable
special method str(self)
Default method for Class, object's string representation
class Car:
status = "Good" # class attribute
def __init__(self, brand = "Toyota"):
self.brand = brand
def __str__(self):
return f"Car class status {self.status} from __str__"
def info(self):
return f"This {self.brand} is {self.status}"
car1 = Car("Tesla")
Car class status Good from __str__
print(object) --> python call object.__str__(self)
special method str(self)
Class Method
In the class, there is a method decorated with @classmethod. When calling the class method, the cls parameter is passed, which refers to the class.
class ClassName:
# Class Method
def class_metho(cls):
Car Class with Class Method
class Car:
status = "Good" # class attribute
# 類別方法(Class Method)
def chk_status(cls):
print("Car chk_staus is {cls.status}.")
Car chk_staus is Good.
Accessing Instance Variables
The attribute for the car's engine number.
class Car:
def __init__(self, engin_no = "0000-0000"):
self.engin_no = engin_no
def __str__(self):
return f"Car's engin_no is {self.engin_no}"
car1 = Car("1234-5678")
car1.engin_no = "2468-1357"
Car's engin_no is 1234-5678
Car's engin_no is 2468-1357
Engine numbers can be changed!!!
Accessing Instance Variables
Access of Instance Variables with @property
class Car:
def __init__(self, engin_no = "0000-0000"):
self._engin_no = engin_no
@property # engin_no just can be read
def engin_no(self):
return self._engin_no
car1 = Car("1234-5678")
print(f"car1.engin_no {car1.engin_no}")
car1.engin_no = "2468-1357"
car1.engin_no 1234-5678
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-dd4183959b5d> in <module>
7 car1 = Car("1234-5678")
8 print(f"car1.engin_no {car1.engin_no}")
----> 9 car1.engin_no = "2468-1357"
AttributeError: can't set attribute
Modifying Instance Variables with @property
@property instance_variable.setter
class Car:
def __init__(self, engin_no = "0000-0000"):
self._engin_no = engin_no
@property # engin_no just can be read
def engin_no(self):
return self._engin_no
def engin_no(self, engin_no):
self._engin_no = engin_no
car1 = Car("1234-5678")
print(f"car1.engin_no {car1.engin_no}")
car1.engin_no = "2468-1357"
print(f"car1.engin_no {car1.engin_no}")
car1.engin_no 1234-5678
car1.engin_no 2468-1357
Modifying Instance Variables with @property
If you inherit money or property, you receive it from someone who has died. 繼承
If you inherit a characteristic or quality, you are born with it, because your parents or ancestors also had it. 遺傳
Python Class Inheritance
Inheritance allows classes to have common attributes or methods.
Child class inherits common attributes or methods from parent class.
Two Class of Cars
class gasoline_Car:
def __init__(self, brand, engin):
self.brand = brand
self.engin = engin
class electric_Car:
def __init__(self, brand, battery):
self.brand = brand
self.battery = battery
gcar = gasoline_Car("Totyo", "Turbo")
ecar = electric_Car("Tesla", "750kw")
Brand is the same attribute...
Car - Parent Class of Vehicle Class
The common attribute of cars - brand.
class car:
def __init__(self, brand):
self.brand = brand
car = car("Toyota")
Class Inheritance
class child_class(parent_class):
#super() is parent class
The gasoline_Car class inherits from the car class
class car:
def __init__(self, brand):
self.brand = brand
class gasoline_Car(car):
def __init__(self, brand, engin):
self.engin = engin
gcar = gasoline_Car("Totyo", "Turbo")
The gasoline_Car class inherits from the car class
Two Car Classes Inheritance
class car:
def __init__(self, brand):
self.brand = brand
class gasoline_Car(car):
def __init__(self, brand, engin):
self.engin = engin
class electric_Car(car):
def __init__(self, brand, battery):
self.battery = battery
gcar = gasoline_Car("Totyo", "Turbo")
ecar = electric_Car("Tesla", "750kw")
Two common attributes in inheritance class
class car:
def __init__(self, brand, engin_no):
self.brand = brand
self.engin_no = engin_no
class gasoline_Car(car):
def __init__(self, brand, engin_no, engin):
super().__init__(brand, engin_no)
self.engin = engin
gcar = gasoline_Car("Totyo", "12345678", "Turbo")
Operator overloading
Operator | Method |
+ | object.__add__(self, other) |
- | object.__sub__(self, other) |
* | object.__mul__(self, other) |
// | object.__floordiv__(self, other) |
/ | object.__div__(self, other) |
% | object.__mod__(self, other) |
__add__() example
class MyTime:
def __init__(self, h=0, m=0):
self.hour = h
self.min = m
def __add__(self, other):
nhour = self.hour+other.hour
nmin = self.min+other.min
if nmin >= 60:
nhour = nhour + 1
nmin -= 60
if nhour >= 24:
nhour -= 24
return MyTime(nhour, nmin)
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.hour:02} : {self.min:02}"
time1 = MyTime(22, 40)
time2 = MyTime(2, 30)
time3 = time1 + time2
print(f"{time1} + {time2} = {time3}")
22 : 40 + 02 : 30 = 01 : 10
CS50P 8_Object-Oriented Programming
By wschen
CS50P 8_Object-Oriented Programming
This presentation introduces object-oriented programming (OOP) and the concept of classes. It explains how to use and define a class, using the example of a car class. It also covers instance variables, special methods, and object access attributes.
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