• CS50P 8_Object-Oriented Programming

    This presentation introduces object-oriented programming (OOP) and the concept of classes. It explains how to use and define a class, using the example of a car class. It also covers instance variables, special methods, and object access attributes.

  • ESP32 Server

    This presentation introduces the ESP32 Server and its features, such as Socket Creation, Sending and Receiving Data, and Socket Options. It also includes examples and further reading materials. Explore how to control LED using TCP Server Example and learn about the ESP32 HTTP Server.

  • Convolutional neural network

    Learn about the power of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) through captivating animations and visualizations. Explore the world of CNNs and gain a deeper understanding of their applications and potential.

  • CS50P 7_Regular Expressions

    Learn about Regular Expressions (Regex) and how they can be used to validate phone numbers, ID numbers, and dates. Discover the re module and how to use it for pattern matching and string replacement.

  • CS50P 6_File I/O

    Learn how to save and retrieve data, work with CSV files, use Python Lambda functions, and save images in different file formats in CS50P 6_File I/O presentation.

  • ESP32 Humidity & Temperature Sensor

    Explore the world of ESP32 Humidity & Temperature Sensor with this engaging presentation. Discover how to interface DHT22 and DHT11 with ESP32 using MicroPython code and simulation in Wokwi. Uncover the fascinating attributes and pin names of these sensors and witness the testing and observation process.

  • ESP32 IFTT Appplication

    This presentation introduces the ESP32 IFTTT application and provides a step-by-step guide on how to get started and create applets using IFTTT. It also covers the process of logging in with Google and using webhooks.

  • CS50P 5_Unit Test

    CS50P 5_Unit Test presentation covers the importance of testing in programming, different testing methods, and the use of Python test frameworks like pytest. It also showcases examples of successful and failed tests, along with handling errors and assertions.

  • CS50P 4_Library

    Learn about the CS50P 4_Library and the Python standard library. Explore the Random module and how to generate pseudo-random numbers. Discover useful functions like randint, shuffle, choice, and sample. Understand how to handle command line arguments and catch errors. Install packages like cowsay and use the Requests module to work with JSON data.

  • CS50P 3_Exceptions

    This presentation is about handling exceptions and errors in programming. It covers various types of exceptions such as TypeError, ValueError, and NameError. It also emphasizes the importance of using functions to get accurate weight and height measurements.

  • CS50P 2_Loop

    This presentation covers topics such as loops, the range() function, nested for loops, break and continue statements, while loops, and accessing dictionaries with for loops. Discover how these concepts can enhance your programming skills and make your code more efficient.

  • ESP32 ADC

  • CS50P 1_Condition

    This presentation covers various topics related to condition statements, flowchart symbols, if-else statements, and string comparison. It also introduces a practical exercise to determine if a number is a multiple of 7. Join us to explore these interesting concepts!

  • ESP32 OLED SSD1306

    Discover the fascinating world of ESP32 OLED SSD1306! Learn how to connect ESP32 to OLED ssd1306, explore different code examples, and even create your own Chinese font file. Join us to unlock the potential of this amazing technology.

  • ESP32 Wi-Fi

    Discover the power of ESP32 Wi-Fi with this engaging presentation! Learn how to set up a simulator environment, write MicroPython code, connect to Wi-Fi, and access web page data. Plus, find additional resources to enhance your learning. Don't miss out!

  • ESP32 Board

    Discover the power of the ESP32 Board with the EZ_START kIT+. Unleash your creativity with the NodeMCU-32S and explore its pinout. Connect effortlessly with the CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers. Start coding with the user-friendly Thonny IDE and MicroPython.

  • ESP32 PWM

    This presentation introduces the concept of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and its applications in controlling LED brightness, motor speed, and speaker volume. Learn how to use PWM to create dynamic and precise control over these devices. Explore powerful tools like Wokwi Logic Analyzer and PulseView for analyzing and debugging PWM signals.

  • Traffic Light Control System

    Discover the intricacies of a Traffic Light Control System in this presentation. Explore program flow, timers, manual mode, and more. Two solutions are presented, each with unique features and benefits. Dive into the world of traffic light control and learn how these systems operate.

  • ESP32 Button Bounce

    Learn about button debouncing with ESP32. Discover what button bouncing is and why debouncing is important. Explore software and hardware debouncing techniques with MicroPython. Get practical examples for software debouncing.

  • ESp32 Introduction

    This presentation discusses observations related to the behavior of a button and LED during sleep intervals. It introduces a code sample using Timer and IRQ to address the unresponsiveness issue. Curious to know more? Join the presentation!

  • CS50P Introduction

    This presentation introduces CS50P and covers topics such as functions, variables, problem sets, and Linux commands. Learn about the course material and get a step-by-step guide for setting up Indoor Voice. Discover why learning Linux is important and how to navigate the file system.

  • Python Introdution

    Discover the power of Python! This presentation introduces Python as a programming language that enhances productivity and system integration. Explore topics like calculator functions, print(), comments, user input, and string formatting through engaging examples.

  • CS50P 0_Functions, Variables

    This presentation covers Python basics including functions, variables, and datatypes. It also explores string manipulation and the use of escape characters. Discover how to properly declare strings and handle special characters.