ESP32 IFTTT Application

IFTT Get Started

IFTT Login with Google

IFTT Login with Google

IFTTT Logged In

IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Create Applet



IFTTT Create Applet



IFTTT Create Applet


IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Create Applet

IFTTT Webhhoks

IFTTT Webhhoks

IFTTT Webhhoks


IFTTT Webhhoks

IFTTT Webhhoks Colab

IFTTT Webhhoks Colab

IFTTT Webhhoks Colab

IFTTT Webhhoks ESP32

import network
import time
import urequests as requests

print("Connecting to WiFi", end="")
sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
sta_if.connect('Wokwi-GUEST', '')
while not sta_if.isconnected():
  print(".", end="")
print(" Connected!")

# Define the API key and URL for the GET request
api_key = ".................your_key................"
ifttt_url = "" + api_key\

res = requests.get(url=ifttt_url)

IFTTT Webhhoks ESP32

import network, time

wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) # Initializes the station interface # Activates the WLAN interface
ssid = 'CSIE_C306'
passwd = '@ndhuc306'
connected = wlan.isconnected() # Check if the connection was successful
if not connected: # if it is not connected
    print(f'Trying to connect to {ssid}') # Display a message indicating an attempt to connect
    wlan.connect(ssid, passwd) # Attempt to connect to the Wi-Fi network again
    for _ in range(100): # Try to connect 100 times, waiting 0.1 seconds each time
        connected = wlan.isconnected() # Check if the connection was successful
        if connected:
           break # Break out of the loop if connected
        time.sleep(0.1) # Wait for 0.1 seconds before checking again
        print('.', end='') # Print progress dots to indicate ongoing connection attempts
if connected: # If connected successfully
    # Display successful connection and network configuration
    print(f'\nConnected to ssid {ssid}. Network config: {wlan.ifconfig()}') 
else: # If the connection failed
    print(f'\nFailed. Not Connected to: {ssid}') # Display a failure message
import urequests
# Define the API key and URL for the GET request
api_key = "....................your_key....................."
ifttt_url = "" + api_key\
res = urequests.get(url=ifttt_url)

ESP32 IFTT Appplication

By wschen

ESP32 IFTT Appplication

This presentation introduces the ESP32 IFTTT application and provides a step-by-step guide on how to get started and create applets using IFTTT. It also covers the process of logging in with Google and using webhooks.

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