Button Debouncing with ESP32
What is Button Bouncing?
- When a button is pressed or released, it does not change its state instantaneously.
- Due to mechanical and physical issues, the button may rapidly fluctuate between HIGH and LOW states before stabilizing.
- This phenomenon is known as "button bouncing".
What is Button Bouncing?
Illustrating Button Bouncing
- A MicroPython script with an ISR demonstrates button bouncing on an ESP32 by incrementing a counter on pin 32 for each falling edge.
from machine import Pin
import time
# Initialize global counter
counter = 0
# Define the interrupt service routine
def isr(pin):
global counter
counter += 1
print('Button pressed count:', counter)
# Setup the button input and attach the ISR
button = Pin(32, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
button.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=isr)
# Run an infinite loop to keep the program running
while True:
time.sleep(1) # sleep to reduce CPU usage
Illustrating Button Bouncing
- With this script, when the button is pressed, you'll observe the counter incrementing multiple times due to bouncing.
Why is Debouncing Important?
- Without debouncing, a single button press could be interpreted as multiple presses, causing unexpected behavior.
- Debouncing ensures that a single press is only registered once.
Debouncing Techniques
- Software debouncing
- Hardware debouncing
Software Debouncing with MicroPython
- A simple way to implement software debouncing is to use a delay.
- Check the button state, wait for a short period, then check the state again.
- If the state is the same, the button press is considered valid.
Software Debouncing Example
from machine import Pin
import time
button = Pin(32, Pin.IN)
def debounce(pin):
# initial state
state = pin.value()
# wait for 20 milliseconds
# check state again
return state if pin.value() == state else None
while True:
button_state = debounce(button)
if button_state is not None:
print('Button state:', button_state)
Software Debouncing Example
from machine import Pin, Timer # Import necessary classes from the machine module
import time # Import the time module
# Initialize global variables
button = Pin(32, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # Initialize pin 32 as a pull-up input
counter = 0 # Counter to keep track of button presses
irq_isenable = True # Flag to indicate whether IRQ is enabled
def isr(pin): # ISR function to handle button presses
global counter, irq_isenable # Access global variables
if irq_isenable: # Check if IRQ is enabled
print(f'Button pressed, IRQ disabled, starting timer')
counter += 1 # Increment the counter
print('Button pressed count:', counter)
timer.init(mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, period=200, callback=enable_irq) # Start a one-shot timer
print(f'Timer start {timer}')
irq_isenable = False # Disable IRQ
def enable_irq(timer): # Function to re-enable IRQ
global irq_isenable # Access global variable
irq_isenable = True # Re-enable IRQ
print('Timer expired, IRQ re-enabled')
# Attach ISR
button.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=isr) # Attach ISR to handle falling edge triggers
# Set up the one-shot timer
timer = Timer(0) # Initialize a Timer object
print("Program Start") # Print program start message
# Run an infinite loop to keep the program running
while True:
time.sleep(1) # Sleep to reduce CPU usage
Hardware Debouncing Example
- Button bouncing is a common issue that can cause unexpected behavior.
- Software debouncing is a simple and effective method to handle button bouncing.
- The MicroPython code provided demonstrates a basic debouncing technique using a delay.
ESP32 Button Bounce
By wschen
ESP32 Button Bounce
Learn about button debouncing with ESP32. Discover what button bouncing is and why debouncing is important. Explore software and hardware debouncing techniques with MicroPython. Get practical examples for software debouncing.
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