Lindsay Kay
BioDigital Tech Talk
March 10, 2017
Physically-Based Rendering
Old School: Phong Reflection Model
- ambient - amount of reflected ambient light
- diffuse - amount of reflected diffuse light
- specular - amount of reflected specular light
- shininess - tightness of specular highlights
Phong material properties:
Old School: Phong Reflection Model
- Synthetic
- Easy to create unrealistic materials
- Needs tweaking to look right
- Does not enforce energy conservation
- shininess is a poor approximation for roughness
- shininess can't be textured, so roughness map not possible
- Best part: efficient on low-end GPUs
New School: Physically-Based Rendering (PBR)
- A family of techniques
- Math uses real measured values for color, roughness, etc.
- Means that materials can more easily be reused from libraries
- Enforces constraints
- Robust for different lighting
- Models surface roughness realistically
- Diffuse - light scattered by roughness, with some absorbed
- Specular - light reflected straight off surface
PBR: Diffusion and Reflection
- Specular & diffusion are mutually exclusive
- Shader enforces (specular + diffuse) <= 1.0
- "Nanny physicist"
- Keeps consistency under different lighting conditions
- Best part: prevents artwork from bending rules
PBR: Energy Conservation
- AKA gloss, smoothness, roughness, microfacet
- Tiny imperfections - micro scratches, grooves, cracks
- Modeled statistically in shader, eg. using a scattering factor
- Best part: texturable across surface
PBR: Microsurface
PBR: Roughness texturing
- RGB texture where R channel contains roughness factor
- Use a reflection cube map with MIP detail levels
- At each point on surface, roughness selects which detail level to sample
PBR: Microsurface - shader
- All materials perfectly reflective at grazing angles
- Gradient (see below) does not vary much between materials
- Divergence can be accounted for analytically
- Best part: PBR shaders can handle Fresnel automatically
PBR: Fresnel
How specular reflection varies at different angles.
With PBR:
PBR: Common workflows
- base color (RGB)
- specular reflection factor (RGB)
- glossiness [0..1]
- base color RGB
- metalness [0..1] - (usually just 1 for metals, 0 for insulators)
- roughness [0..1]
1. Specular-glossiness
2. Metal-roughness
Metal-roughness is the most expressive of these two.
PBR: WebGL metal-roughness example
- Get a feel for it using an example
- Toggle textures on/off in the menu
- Has cubemaps for lights and environmental reflection
- Roughness selects MIP level in light cubemap
Intro to PBR
By xeolabs
Intro to PBR
Physically-accurate techniques that make objects appear more realistic, while streamlining content workflow by automatically constraining materials to within realistic parameters!
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