Drupal User Group Minsk

Meetup #7, Sept. 5th, 2019

  • 18.15 - DC Belarus 2019 Financial Report (Yauhen Zenko & Ev Maslovsky)
  • 18.35 - The future of Drupal theming? (Mathieu Spillebeen) 
  • 19.30 - BBQ, Drinks & Fun (Awesome people of Drupal community and friends)
  • 22.00 - Time for a taxi to afterparty




Ev Maslovsky & Yauhen Zenko

  • Drupal Camp Belarus 2019 - Financial report

Mathieu Spillebeen

  • The future of Drupal theming

Drupal User Group Minsk

Meetup #7, Sept. 5th, 2019

Awesome sponsors

Drupal User Group Minsk

Meetup #7, Sept. 5th, 2019

Awesome sponsors

Drupal User Group Minsk

Meetup #7, Sept. 5th, 2019

Awesome sponsors

Drupal User Group Minsk

Meetup #7, Sept. 5th, 2019

Speakers wanted

  • Meetup #8: soon

  • #meetups in slack

  • drupal-belarus.slack.com

  • meetup.com/drupal-minsk

Drupal User Group Minsk

Meetup #7, Sept. 5th, 2019

Splash Awards: submit!

Meetup & BBQ - September 2019 (#7)

By Yauhen Zenko

Meetup & BBQ - September 2019 (#7)

  • 827