Container Security for Kubernetes

Hackzone 8 Online, 11 April 2020

Amine Ben Asker

Cloud Architect
Automation enthusiast

Certified k8s adm&dev

#Python #Go #Arm

What Others think I do

My client thinks I do

What My mom thinks I do

What I really do

app deployment, devops, noOps, Infra, Network bootrapping ...

Another layer of ambiguity

Cloud ?

Better Security


Domain Isolation

Resource optimization

Resource Quota

Fast Recovery

Better orchestration

ROI, Time to market

Stop saying the cloud is just someone else's computer - because it's not

My home Lab, Dec 2017 Paris

Cloud is about how you do computing, not where you do computing.

A simplified private cloud computing landscape
hosting an exposed Kubernetes cluster

Kubernetes  PLZ

Solution ? Be Minimal


Follow me @asker_amine


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Container Security for kubernetes

By Yuri Laaziz

Container Security for kubernetes

  • 814