QAOA - the project
deep but not so much qubits
short, but many qubits
Why is HOBO interesting?
- Uses less qubits,
- By this feasible space takes most of the space
Q: How many of bit assignments are feasible one (proper routes) for TSP?
We spend less time on finding feasible space, which we can use on optimizing the solution
This is not that simple
Solution: change the encoding (all the time)
HOBO requires much deeper circuits.
But can we benefit from reducing the feasible space, even w/o the improvement on the number of qubits?
The idea
HOBO-size mixer
Change of the encoding (from binary to one-hot vector at inverse)
QUBO objective encoding
Quality measures
- Number of qubits is the number of the worst encoding
- Depth is equal to sum of depths of each part
- Number of measurement is tricky is as for objective Hamiltonian
How to transform encoding?
First bunch of tasks
- Implement quantum circuit for QUBO (use parallelism)
- implement encoding transformation (binary to unary)
- make notes
- prove it works (should be simple)
- compute the depth of the circuit (up to constant)
- determine no. measurements
Test if QAOA works!
Change of the encoding is a permutation, but because of we do uncomputation, we can do it up to local phases
Depth 11
Depth 7
Mixing objective Hamiltonian
Part of objective Hamiltonian in HOBO
Part of objective Hamiltonian in QUBO
Q: What is the objective Hamiltonian? probably sum of them
Affects depth and no. of measurements
Starting in W-state
Q: How to generate W-state?
Problem with mixer Hamiltonian - how to define such?
Automatic testing
We can make measurement to test, whether we still are at right place, and continue if only 0s are measured
Q1: Does it give any benefits? - test by simulation
Q2: Does it improve anything? - assumption on the strength of the noise
Q3: error correction?
- git (probably GitHub for now)
- Anaconda + Python + qiskit, or
- Julia + Yao
- TeX
QAOA - the project
By Adam Glos
QAOA - the project
- 100