Deploy to the App Store in a single command line

About me

Alexandre Moureaux

Developer at 


Have you ever published an iOS App? 

Have you ever published an iOS App? 

It went a bit like this for me the first time

Have you ever published an iOS App? 

It went a bit like this for me the first time

Why such a disaster?

Many steps

Create app identifier

Get a certificate

Get a provisioning profile

Archive your app

Publish it

Ever had one of these?

Ever had one of these?

Legend has it you can click everywhere randomly in Xcode
and it ends up working!

Why such a disaster?

Many steps

Time consuming

Error prone

Not beginner friendly

Why such a disaster?

Many steps

Time consuming

Error prone

Not beginner friendly

Fastlane to the rescue

Install it

$ gem install fastlane

Let the Goodness come to you

Try it

$ produce

Create App Id

Try it

$ sigh

Automatically download / generate provisioning profiles

Lots of useful actions

Create App Id

Create certificate

Create / Download provisioning

Archive app -> IPA

Upload to testflight

Update itunes metadata

Orchestrate it all with Fastlane

$ fastlane init

Uses produce

Generates a fastlane folder

Add your app info in the Appfile

# The bundle identifier of your app
app_identifier "fr.bamlab.almouro.test"

# Your Apple email address
apple_id ""

# Developer Portal Team ID
team_id "Z445H6455F"

# iTunes Connect Team ID
itc_team_id "118116212"

Add your lanes in the Fastfile

lane :testflight do

Where to go from here?

$ fastlane actions

The docs are great!

Constantly improving

Android support is getting better and better

Thanks guys,

any questions?


By Alexandre Moureaux


Deploy to the App Store in a single command line with Fastlane

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