Binding Types à la carte
Arnaud Spiwack
data Term
= Var Id
| Lam Id Term
| App Term Term
Easy, right?
Capture avoiding substitutions
data Term
= Var Id
| Lam Id Term
| App Term Term
Some quicheck later
De Bruijn indices
data Term
= Var Int
| Lam Term
| App Term Term
Ok, now I just need…
Uh… lift substitutions and shift vari…
No, wait… that's shift substitutions and…
Oh, and I must not forget to decrease indices
And then…
No, but seriously. Haskell means types, right?
Typed de Bruijn indices
data Term a
= Var a
| Lam (Term (Maybe a))
| App (Term a) (Term a)
(>>=) :: Term a -> (a -> Term b) -> Term b
Typed de Bruijn indices
data Term a
= Var a
| Lam (Term (Maybe a))
| App (Term a) (Term a)
instance Functor Term where
fmap f (Var x) =
Var (f x)
fmap f (Lam u) =
Lam (fmap (fmap f) u)
fmap f (App u v) =
App (fmap f u) (fmap f v)
instance Monad Term where
return = Var
(Var x) >>= s =
s x
(Lam u) >>= s =
Lam (u >>= traverse s)
(App u v) >>= s =
App (u >>= s) (v >>= s)
instance Functor Term where
fmap f (Var x) =
Var (f x)
fmap f (Lam u) =
Lam (fmap _ u)
fmap f (App u v) =
App (fmap f u) (fmap f v)
instance Monad Term where
return = Var
(Var x) >>= s =
s x
(Lam u) >>= s =
Lam (u >>= _)
(App u v) >>= s =
App (u >>= s) (v >>= s)
f :: a -> b
_ :: Maybe a -> Maybe b
instance Functor Term where
fmap f (Var x) =
Var (f x)
fmap f (Lam u) =
Lam (fmap (fmap f) u)
fmap f (App u v) =
App (fmap f u) (fmap f v)
s :: a -> Term b
_ :: Maybe a -> Term (Maybe b)
Interpreters are algebras
data Term a
= Var a
| Lam (Term (Maybe a))
| App (Term a) (Term a)
typecheck :: Term a -> (a -> Type) -> Type
I really need an unfix
newtype Mu (f :: * -> *)
= Roll (f (Mu f))
:: Functor f
=> (f a -> a) -> Mu f -> a
data ListF a l
= Nil
| Cons a l
deriving Functor
type List a
= Mu (ListF a)
foldr = cata
Non-uniform data types
data CompleteTree a
= Complete a
| More (CompleteTree (a, a))
data List a
= Nil
| Cons a (List a)
Always same a!
We need a fixed point of type \(\star\rightarrow\star\), rather than \(\star\)
A higher \(\mu\)
newtype Mu (h :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (a :: *)
= Roll (h (Mu h) a)
cata :: _ => _ -> Mu h a -> a
What should replace functors?
What's an algebra for it?
newtype CompleteTreeF t a
= Complete a
| More (t (a, a))
type CompleteTree
= Mu CompleteTreeF
It's adventure time!
The category of types
The category of endofunctors
Objects: \(\star\)
Objects: \(f : \star\rightarrow\star\)
Arrows: \(a \rightarrow b\)
Arrows: natural transformations
type f ~> g
= forall a. f a -> g a
For today:
such that
Functor f
Endofunctors of the category of endofunctors
(forall f. Functor f => Functor (h f))
=> Functor1 (h :: (* -> *) -> * -> *)
fmap1 :: (Functor f, Functor g) => (f ~> g) -> h f ~> h g
Functor1 (h :: (* -> *) -> * -> *)
fmap1 :: (Functor f, Functor g) => (f ~> g) -> h f ~> h g
Quantified constraint
The return of the catamorphism
:: (Functor1 h, Functor f)
=> (h f ~> f) -> Mu h ~> f
cata1 alg (Roll t) = alg $ fmap1 (cata1 alg) t
Oh, wait! What about the monad thing‽
:: Term a -> (a -> Type) -> Type
newtype Assigned r v a
= Assigned ((a -> v) -> r)
:: TermF (Assigned Type Type)
~> Assigned Type Type
Towards the monad thing
data Term a
= Var a
| Lam (Term (Maybe a))
| App (Term a) (Term a)
(Var x) >>= s =
s x
(Lam u) >>= s =
Lam (u >>= traverse s)
(App u v) >>= s =
App (u >>= s) (v >>= s)
data Either2
(h :: (* -> *) -> * -> *)
(j :: (* -> *) -> * -> *)
(f :: * -> *) (a :: *)
= Left2 (h f a)
| Right2 (j f a)
data Var (f :: * -> *) (a :: *)
= Var a
(Roll (Left2 (Var x)) >>= s =
s x
(Roll (Right2 u) >>= s =
Roll $ Right2 _
u :: h (Mu (Var `Either2` h)) a
s :: a -> Mu (Var `Either2` h) b
_ :: h (Mu (Var `Either2` h)) b
Strong functors
class Functor f => Strong f where
strength :: (a, f b) -> f (a, b)
strength :: (f a, b) -> f (a, b)
strength (fa, b) = (,b) <$> fa
class Functor1 h => Strong1 h where
:: (Functor f, Functor g)
=> h f `Compose` g ~> h (f `Compose` g)
class Functor1 h => Strong1 h where
:: (Applicative f, Applicative g)
=> h f `Compose` g ~> h (f `Compose` g)
class Functor1 h => Strong1 h where
:: (Applicative f, Applicative g, Functor i)
=> h f (g a) -> (forall b. f (g b) -> i b) -> h i a
instance Strong1 h => Monad (Mu (Var `Either2` h))
class Generic a where
type Rep a :: *
from :: a -> Rep a
to :: Rep a -> a
class Generic1 (f :: * -> *) where
type Rep1 f :: * -> *
from1 :: f a -> (Rep1 f) a
to1 :: (Rep1 f) a -> f a
Generic1 binders
| Lam (t (Maybe a))
(t :*: Maybe) a
Strong (by induction)
Simply typed \(\lambda\)-calculus
data Type
= Base
| Type :-> Type
deriving (Eq, Show)
data SLamF (f :: * -> *) (a :: *)
= SAbs_ Type (f (Maybe a))
| SApp_ (f a) (f a)
deriving (Generic1, Functor, Functor1, Strong1)
type SLamF' = Var `Either2` SLamF
type SLam a = Mu SLamF' a
{-# COMPLETE SAbs, (::@), SV #-}
pattern SAbs :: Type -> f (Maybe a) -> SLamF' f a
pattern SAbs tau f = Right2 (SAbs_ tau f)
pattern SAbs' tau f = Roll (SAbs tau f)
infixl 9 ::@
pattern (::@) :: f a -> f a -> SLamF' f a
pattern t ::@ u = Right2 (t `SApp_` u)
pattern SV :: a -> SLamF' f a
pattern SV x = Left2 (Var x)
type Typing = Assigned (Maybe Type) Type
typing :: SLamF' Typing ~> Typing
typing (SV x) = Assigned $ \env ->
return $ env x
typing (SAbs tau f) = Assigned $ \env -> do
res <- runAssigned f (env <+> tau)
return $ tau :-> res
typing (u ::@ v) = Assigned $ \env -> do
tau :-> res <- runAssigned u env
tau' <- runAssigned v env
guard (tau == tau')
return res
typeOf :: SLam a -> (a -> Type) -> Maybe Type
typeOf u = runAssigned $ cata1 typing u
I almost forgot
data SLetF (f :: * -> *) (a :: *)
= SLet_ (f a) (f (Maybe a))
typingLet :: SLefF Typing ~> Typing
typingLet (SLet_ rhs body) = Assigned $ \env -> do
tau <- runAssigned rhs env
runAssigned body (env <+> tau)
typingBoth :: (SLamF' `Either2` SLeftF) Typing ~> Typing
typingBoth = combine typing typingLet
:: (h f ~> f) -> (j f ~> f)
-> ((h `Either2` j) f ~> f)
combine algh algj (Left2 u) = algh u
combine algh algj (Right2 v) = algj v
Open induction edition
A ludicrous constraint
( Eq a
, forall b f.
( Eq b, forall c.
Eq c => Eq (f c))
=> Eq (h f b))
=> Eq (Mu h a)
Automatically derived
Up to \(\alpha\)-equivalence
Binding Types à la carte
By Arnaud Spiwack
Binding Types à la carte
Imagine you want to write a data type for an abstract syntax tree with binders. You get started, write a function for substitution. Get lost in the renaming story. Ok. You've heard about this de Bruijn index stuff. You get started. But you get lost again in the shifts and the lifts. Wouldn't it be nice if types could help you get all of this binder story right? After all, you're writing Haskell. Arnaud will present a way to do just that: it's like de Bruijn indices, but with types. It also makes it possible to extend types-with-binders piecewise in the same style as the data type à la carte. Interestingly α-equivalent terms are equal in this representation, which is nice if you want to store the terms in tables, or use memoisation. And it all uses algebra! After all, you're writing Haskell. This story involves functors of functors (not a typo), higher catamorphisms, and Generic1 instances (not a typo either), as well as a brand new feature from GHC 8.6: quantified constraint.
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