Cosmic Strings
Bodo Schwabe
University of Zaragoza
with adaptive mesh refinement
Axion Strings
strings = 1D-loops with phase changing 2pi around them
energy in phase gradient diverges - but decreasing modulus
Scale Separation
inter-string separation
string core size
axion decay constant
Hubble scale
- Cosmic expansion increases separation (solution PRS strings)
- not feasible on 3D uniform grids
- possible solution: adaptive mesh refinement around 1D strings (2048^3 root grid and 6 additional levels -> 11 e-folds)
[Buschmann arXiv:2108.05368]
[Drew, Shellard, arXiv:1910.01718]
Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR)
- Tag cells for refinement using string plaquettes [ Leesa Fleury, Guy D. Moore, 2015, arXiv:1509.00026 ] or gradients
- create new grids with progressively more resolution on higher levels
- Use MPI communication to transfer interpolated data between grids and levels
- subcycling: use smaller time steps on higher resolved levels
- possibly use different methods on different levels
We extended AxioNyx for AMR string simulations
Use AMR to keep string resolution fixed
[Buschmann arXiv:2108.05368]
AMR can improve current extrapolations
[Gorghetto, arXiv: 1806.04677, 2007.04990 ]
[Buschmann arXiv:2108.05368]
[Buschmann arXiv:2108.05368]
q=1 \rightarrow m_a = 65 \pm 6 \mu eV
Potential issues
- Interpolation between levels
- higher frequency modes are discarded when propagating to coarser levels
- Spectrum only calculated on coarsest level
- lots of refinement if strings are too close together (physical strings are ideal as refinement levels increase while refined volume decreases)
Copy of axion string simulations
By bschwabe
Copy of axion string simulations
- 133