Where do galaxies get their spin from?

They got it from their mama

A story of angular momentum,

tracer particles and data analysis

\(z ≥ 2\): some puzzle(s) of galactic disks

  • Alignment at large scales
    → common origin of gal. spins
  • Spin of DM halo ≠ spin of disk
    → diff. evol. of DM vs baryons
  • Virial shock → should prevent coherent accretion
  • Feedback → disk destruction?

Filamentary accretion is responsible for most of the mass and angular momentum acquisition (at z>3 ; Kereš+05, Pichon+11, Tillson+12, …)

Filamentary accretion: natural "bridge" between large scale structures (cosmic web) and galaxy formation

What to do?

  1. Study AM kinematics,
  2. in accretion flows,
  3. both cold and hot,
  4. dynamics: compute torques,
  5. here, pressure & gravitational torques.
  1. easy, \(\sum m \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{v}\)
  2. Lagrangian trajectories
  3. temperature along Lagrangian traj.
  4. easy, right? \(\sum \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{f}\)
  5. \(\nabla P, \nabla \phi\)
    (grav. accel. provided by simulation)

Tracer particles

Eulerian method

Lagrangian history

Tracer particles!

Eulerian method

How to access Lagrangian history in Eulerian simulation?


Lagrangian history

Tracer particles!

\(v\)-based tracers

Using linear interpolation of velocity

MC-based tracers

\[p_{i,j} \propto \mathrm{flux}(i\rightarrow j)\]

Bonus: also work for SF, feedback, …

Eulerian method

How to access Lagrangian history in Eulerian simulation?

\(v\)-based tracers

Using linear interpolation of velocity

MC-based tracers

\[p_{i,j} \propto \mathrm{flux}(i\rightarrow j)\]

Bonus: also work for SF, feedback, …









\(v\)-based tracers

Using linear interpolation of velocity

MC-based tracers

\[p_{i,j} \propto \mathrm{flux}(i\rightarrow j)\]

Bonus: also work for SF, feedback, …

What to do?

  1. Study AM kinematics,
  2. in accretion flows,
  3. both cold and hot,
  4. dynamics: compute torques,
  5. here, pressure & gravitational torques.

✅ easy, \(\sum m \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{v}\)
Lagrangian trajectories
temperature along Lagrangian traj.
easy, right? \(\sum \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{f}\)
\(\nabla P, \nabla \phi\)
     (grav. accel. provided by simulation)

What to do?

  1. Study AM kinematics,
  2. in accretion flows,
  3. both cold and hot,
  4. dynamics: compute torques,
  5. here, pressure & gravitational torques.

✅ easy, \(\sum m \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{v}\)
✅ Lagrangian trajectories

temperature along Lagrangian traj.
easy, right? \(\sum \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{f}\)
\(\nabla P, \nabla \phi\)
     (grav. accel. provided by simulation)

Grid data

Particle data


Use cic/nearest interpolation

    ("tracer", "particle_mass"),
p = yt.ProjectionPlot(
  ("deposit", "tracer_cic_mass")

Grid data

Particle data

(Now it is) easy!

Use "mesh deposition"

  ("gas", "density"),
ds.r["tracer", "cell_gas_density"]
# Took 1.4s for 1 090 895 particles!

p = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(
  ("tracer", "cell_gas_density")
pos = ds.r["tracer", "particle_position"][:1000]
new_data = ds.arr([
  for p in pos

# Argh! Took 3.5s for 1 000 particles!
# ETA: 1hr for all particles


  ("gas", "density"),

# Precompute cell index
ds.r["tracer", "cell_index"]        # 1.3s

# Fast access!
ds.r["tracer", "cell_gas_density"]  # 300ms

What to do?

  1. Study AM kinematics,
  2. in accretion flows,
  3. both cold and hot,
  4. dynamics: compute torques,
  5. here, pressure & gravitational torques.

✅ easy, \(\sum m \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{v}\)
✅ Lagrangian trajectories
temperature along Lagrangian traj.
easy, right? \(\sum \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{f}\)
\(\nabla P, \nabla \phi\)
     (grav. accel. provided by simulation)

What to do?

  1. Study AM kinematics,
  2. in accretion flows,
  3. both cold and hot,
  4. dynamics: compute torques,
  5. here, pressure & gravitational torques.

✅ easy, \(\sum m \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{v}\)
✅ Lagrangian trajectories
temperature along Lagrangian traj.
easy, right? \(\sum \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{f}\)
\(\nabla P, \nabla \phi\)
     (grav. accel. provided by simulation)

What to do?

  1. Study AM kinematics,
  2. in accretion flows,
  3. both cold and hot,
  4. dynamics: compute torques,
  5. here, pressure & gravitational torques.

✅ easy, \(\sum m \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{v}\)
✅ Lagrangian trajectories
temperature along Lagrangian traj.
easy, right? \(\sum \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{f}\)
\(\nabla P, \nabla \phi\)
     (grav. accel. provided by simulation)

$$ \nabla P =\frac{P_{i+1} - 2P_i + P_{i-1}}{2} $$

Gradient needs (at least) 3 cells in each direction,

but octrees only have 2!

Background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf7P5hqD0eY

only 2 cells

$$ \nabla P =\frac{P_{i+1} - 2P_i + P_{i-1}}{2} $$

Gradient needs (at least) 3 cells in each direction,

but octrees only have 2!

Background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf7P5hqD0eY

only 2 cells

Let us "extend" our octs with "ghost zones"

$$ \nabla P =\frac{P_{i+1} - 2P_i + P_{i-1}}{2} $$

Gradient needs (at least) 3 cells in each direction,

but octrees only have 2!

Background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf7P5hqD0eY

now 4 cells wide!

Let us "extend" our octs with "ghost zones"




$$ \nabla P =\frac{P_{i+1} - 2P_i + P_{i-1}}{2} $$

Gradient needs (at least) 3 cells in each direction,

but octrees only have 2!

Background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf7P5hqD0eY

now 4 cells wide!

Let us "extend" our octs with "ghost zones"




I am only showing 6 out of 56 ghost cells for clarity.
But trust me they are here.
You can also use more than 2-cells (for higher order derivatives).

What to do?

  1. Study AM kinematics,
  2. in accretion flows,
  3. both cold and hot,
  4. dynamics: compute torques,
  5. here, pressure & gravitational torques.

✅ easy, \(\sum m \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{v}\)
✅ Lagrangian trajectories
temperature along Lagrangian traj.
easy, right? \(\sum \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{f}\)
\(\nabla P, \nabla \phi\)
     (grav. accel. provided by simulation)

What to do?

  1. Study AM kinematics,
  2. in accretion flows,
  3. both cold and hot,
  4. dynamics: compute torques,
  5. here, pressure & gravitational torques.

✅ easy, \(\sum m \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{v}\)
✅ Lagrangian trajectories
temperature along Lagrangian traj.
easy, right? \(\sum \mathbf{r}\times \mathbf{f}\)
✅ \(\nabla P, \nabla \phi\)
     (grav. accel. provided by simulation)

Inspecting Kinematics


Plot of \( \frac{1}{\Delta r}\int_{r}^{r+\Delta r} \mathrm{d}r\,\mathbf{r} \times \mathbf{v}\)

Large scale


Direction of accretion

drop by \(\times 5\)

So the AM drops by \(\times 5\)

(in one free-fall time)

(Local) dynamics

The AM dynamics is given by

\(\displaystyle \phantom{\frac{\mathrm{d} \mathbf{l}}{\mathrm{d} t}} + \text{gravitational torques} \)

\( \displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathbf{l}}{\mathrm{d} t} = \textcolor{darksalmon}{\text{pressure torque}} \)

\(\displaystyle \phantom{\frac{\mathrm{d} \mathbf{l}}{\mathrm{d} t} + } \underbrace{\phantom{\text{gravitational torques}}}_{\text{\textcolor{darkgray}{DM} + \textcolor{orange}{Star} + \textcolor{deepskyblue}{Gas}}} \)

Pressure dominates the ⊥ acceleration in CGM…


Mean of ⊥ force magnitude

(Global) dynamics

Compute global torque in shell


Locally: pressure dominated...

esp. in the hot phase

... but globally: (DM) gravity dominated

esp. in the cold phase

What is happening?

Spatial-coherence of torques

Compute sum-of-norm vs norm-of-sum

$$ \dfrac{\left\| \sum_\text{neigh}\tau\right\|}{ \sum_\text{neigh}\left\| \tau\right\|} $$

Pressure: \(\lambda_\mathrm{fluct.}\) is small



Spatial-coherence of torques

Compute sum-of-norm vs norm-of-sum

$$ \dfrac{\left\| \sum_\text{neigh}\tau\right\|}{ \sum_\text{neigh}\left\| \tau\right\|} $$

Pressure: \(\lambda_\mathrm{fluct.}\) is small




  • AM transported through CGM
  • orientation mostly retained down to outer disk


  • pressure locally dominant (esp. in hot)
  • gravity globally dominant (esp. in cold)
  • torques have spatial & time variations ⇒ need careful treatment


Many cool features brought together!

  • [RAMSES] Lagrangian tracer
  • [yt] mesh sampling
  • [yt] "ghost zones" for octrees
    • enable gradient computation
    • but also vertex centred!

Cold gas selection


( \( \forall t, T(t)\leq 10⁵\ \mathrm{K} \) and

\( 0.3 R_\mathrm{vir} \leq r(t) \leq 2 R_\mathrm{vir} \))


$$ r < 0.3 R_\mathrm{vir} \text{ or } r > 2R_\mathrm{vir} $$

Hot gas selection


$$ \exists t, T(t)> 10⁵\ \mathrm{K} \\ 0.3 R_\mathrm{vir} \leq r(t)\leq 2 R_\mathrm{vir} $$

⇒ Defined with Lagrangian history

    + removing accretion from satellites


Cold gas: well aligned down to inner halo

Hot gas: aligned down to inner halo

Simulation setup

  • suite of zoom-in simulations (~6), RAMSES (Teyssier 2002)
  • Δx = 35pc, Mstar = 1.1 10⁴ M Mhalo=10¹² M
  • Turbulent star formation (Kimm+17, Trebitsch+17)
  • Mechanical feedback (Kimm+15)
  • AGN formation with spin-regulated efficiency (Dubois+12,+14)
  • 30,000,000 tracer particles (~10/cell, 0.5/star, Cadiou+19)

Gas density

Gas tracer density

3. Contribution to disk formation

1. AM acquisition at large scale

2. Transport along cold flows


Time-coherence of torques

Compute \(t_\mathrm{decorr.}\) using Lagrangian history such that

$$ \vec{\tau}(t_\mathrm{decorr.}) \perp \vec{\tau}(0) \color{gray}\qquad\text{ (i.e. } \vec{\tau}(t_\mathrm{decorr.}) \cdot \vec{\tau}(0) = 0)$$

A/ Longer coherence in cold phase (esp. pressure)

Slow decorrelation

Fast decorrelation

Density \(\rho\)

\(v\) tracers

MC tracers

Difference \(\Delta \rho / \rho\)


Formation & destruction of filamentary structures in Perseus-like cluster

Tracer: history of each clump



Study of gas in & out — origin of Ly\(\alpha\) emitting gas


Beyond the grid

By Corentin Cadiou

Beyond the grid

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