Where do galaxies get their spin from?

A story of angular momentum,

tracer particles and data analysis

z ≥ 2: some puzzle(s) of galactic disks

  • Alignment at large scales
    → common origin of gal. spins
  • Spin of DM halo ≠ spin of disk
    → diff. evol. of DM vs baryons
  • Virial shock → should prevent coherent accretion
  • Feedback → disk destruction?

Simulation setup

  • suite of zoom-in simulations (~6), RAMSES (Teyssier 2002)
  • Δx = 35pc, Mstar = 1.1 10⁴ M Mhalo=10¹² M
  • Turbulent star formation (Kimm+17, Trebitsch+17)
  • Mechanical feedback (Kimm+15)
  • AGN formation with spin-regulated efficiency (Dubois+12,+14)
  • 30,000,000 tracer particles (~10/cell, 0.5/star, Cadiou+19)

Gas density

Gas tracer density

Filamentary accretion is responsible for most of the mass and angular momentum acquisition (at z>3 ; Kereš+05, Pichon+11, Tillson+12, …)

Filamentary accretion: natural "bridge" between large scale structures (cosmic web) and galaxy formation

3. Contribution to disk formation

1. AM acquisition at large scale

2. Transport along cold flows

Cold gas selection


( \( \forall t, T(t)\leq 10⁵\ \mathrm{K} \) and

\( 0.3 R_\mathrm{vir} \leq r(t) \leq 2 R_\mathrm{vir} \))


$$ r < 0.3 R_\mathrm{vir} \text{ or } r > 2R_\mathrm{vir} $$

Hot gas selection


$$ \exists t, T(t)> 10⁵\ \mathrm{K} \\ 0.3 R_\mathrm{vir} \leq r(t)\leq 2 R_\mathrm{vir} $$

⇒ Defined with Lagrangian history

    + removing accretion from satellites



Cold gas: well aligned down to inner halo

Hot gas: aligned down to inner halo

(Local) dynamics

The (Lagrangian) spAM dynamics is given by

\(\displaystyle \phantom{\frac{\mathrm{d} \mathbf{l}}{\mathrm{d} t}} + \text{gravitational torques} \)

\( \displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathbf{l}}{\mathrm{d} t} = \textcolor{darksalmon}{\text{pressure torque}} \)

\(\displaystyle \phantom{\frac{\mathrm{d} \mathbf{l}}{\mathrm{d} t} + } \underbrace{\phantom{\text{gravitational torques}}}_{\text{\textcolor{darkgray}{DM} + \textcolor{orange}{Star} + \textcolor{deepskyblue}{Gas}}} \)

Pressure dominates the ⊥ acceleration in CGM…


Mean of ⊥ force magnitude

(Global) dynamics

Compute global torque in shell


Locally: pressure dominated...

esp. in the hot phase

... but globally: (DM) gravity dominated

esp. in the cold phase

What is happening?


Time-coherence of torques

Compute \(t_\mathrm{decorr.}\) using Lagrangian history such that

$$ \vec{\tau}(t_\mathrm{decorr.}) \perp \vec{\tau}(0) \color{gray}\qquad\text{ (i.e. } \vec{\tau}(t_\mathrm{decorr.}) \cdot \vec{\tau}(0) = 0)$$

A/ Longer coherence in cold phase (esp. pressure)

Slow decorrelation

Fast decorrelation

Spatial-coherence of torques

Compute sum-of-norm vs norm-of-sum

$$ \dfrac{\left\| \sum_\text{neigh}\tau\right\|}{ \sum_\text{neigh}\left\| \tau\right\|} $$

B/ Pressure: \(\lambda_\mathrm{fluct.}\) is small

Spatial-coherence of torques

Compute sum-of-norm vs norm-of-sum

$$ \dfrac{\left\| \sum_\text{neigh}\tau\right\|}{ \sum_\text{neigh}\left\| \tau\right\|} $$

B/ Pressure: \(\lambda_\mathrm{fluct.}\) is small




  • AM transported through CGM
  • orientation mostly retained down to outer disk


  • pressure locally dominant (esp. in hot)
  • gravity globally dominant (esp. in cold)
  • torques have spatial & time variations ⇒ need careful treatment

Tracer particles

Eulerian method

Lagrangian method

Tracer particles

Lagrangian method

\(v\)-based tracers

Using linear interpolation of velocity

MC-based tracers

\[p_{i,j} \propto \mathrm{flux}(i\rightarrow j)\]

Bonus: also work for SF, feedback, etc.!

Density \(\rho\)

\(v\) tracers

MC tracers

Difference \(\Delta \rho / \rho\)


Formation & destruction of filamentary structures in Perseus-like cluster

Tracer: history of each clump



Study of gas in & out — origin of Ly\(\alpha\) emitting gas


Angular momentum at high-z

By Corentin Cadiou

Angular momentum at high-z

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