Unforeseen Influence.

The role of analytical urban models' circulation on urban studies and policy.

Clémentine Cottineau

+ Michael Batty, Itzhak Benenson, Justin Delloye,

Erez Hatna, Denise Pumain, Somwrita Sarkar,

Cécile Tannier, Rūta Ubarevičienė



Urban Studies Section Meeting, 09/02/2023

Unforeseen Influence. The role of analytical urban models' circulation on urban studies and policy. Clémentine Cottineau + Michael Batty, Itzhak Benenson , Justin Delloye, Erez Hatna, Denise Pumain , Somwrita Sarkar, Cécile Tannier, Rūta Ubarevičienė Urban Studies Section Meeting, 09/02/2023

Unforeseen Influence

By Clémentine Cottineau

Unforeseen Influence

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