What do Visual Research Methods mean for me?
Find the 4 emphasis points about Visual Research Methods from the Blog. Which of the four points do you identify with for your research on your Discourse Community?
Find the section - VRM: What are they good for? Which of these helps you understand the importance of visual research? Practice summarizing and putting in your own words.
Taken from Language Awareness: Readings for College Writers, 12th ed.
What may be some issues with design here?
What could be some visual design issues here?
When using Visual Evidence as Research, consider the following:
Primary Source
(Did YOU create it?)
- How does it function?
- Marketing Purposes
- Informative purposes
- Show the community
- A concept connected to discourse research
- Infographic
- Chart/Graph Model
- Mock-Up Social media posts
- Mock-Up Video posts
- Photographic evidence
Secondary Source
(Did you FIND it?)
- Qualitative or Quantiative
- How will you organize a secondary source visual into your paper?
- What is this visual's relevance to your writing?
Sample Student work
Sample Student work
Sample Student work
Sample Student work
Sample Student work
Sample Student work
Student Works Cited
- Kahn, E. (2019). Social media and body image & 225 interview responses. https://www.canva.com/design/DADrjqtReKM/4pFSpAJEbO0F7I8VBWWHFg/edit
- Branson, O. (2019). Familial influences on child obesity [infographic] & 225 interview responses. Canva, https://www.canva.com/design/DADs3vEVihk/hhk6fmV11rvjgM1oV6NpA/view?utm_content=DADs3vEVihk&utm_campaign=designshare&u tm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
- Beasley, T. (2022). Women Health Advocacy & Emma Chamberlain: Mother of Honest Media [infographics].
- Epling, J. (2022). Miami Sail [infographic].
- Stamp, K. (2022). Marine Biology Club [infographic].
Consult today's Visual ToolBox!
Social Media Generators
A.I. Art Generators
Approaching Research Draft Week
- Review the Discourse Community Research Draft Prompt in Canvas.
- Consult Dr. Smothers' Research Draft Checklist Page in Canvas for what you should be integrating into your Research Draft.
- Consult the Writing Template for the 1st Rough Draft (Discourse Community Research Draft) in the Checklist Page.
- We will be meeting individually for Student Conferences next week in preparation to submit your Discourse Community Research Draft. Sign up for a time in Week 8 via the Sign-up Sheet!
Group Share-Show N' Tell
- What visual evidence are you creating and working on (Primary Evidence), or something you've found from another source? SHOW THIS FOR YOUR GROUP! Does your visual evidence...
- Demonstrate one of Swales' concepts of Discourse Community? (e.g. lexis, communication, hierarchy, platforms of communication, etc.)
- Show distinct behaviors or non-verbal communication
- Show the style and design appeal of your discourse community
- Offer insights about topics and trends of your group
- Show research stats or facts about the group
- Help market the brand of your D.C.
- Act as a recruitment or publicity tool
- Show your involvement as an active researcher.
Visual Design Principles in Research and Ads
By codys
Visual Design Principles in Research and Ads
Go on a roadtrip where you learn about design elements when composing visually whether for research or marketing advertisements!
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