meletis lab
karolinska institutet, SWEDEN

Progress in science depends on new techniques, new discoveries and new ideas, probably in that order.

          Sidney Brenner

  •  A web-based and open source stereotactic mouse brain atlas.

  •  A web-based and open source stereotactic mouse brain atlas.

  • Ability to annotate and query.

  •  A web-based and open source stereotactic mouse brain atlas.

  • Ability to annotate and query.

  • >800'000 neurons in 21 brains.

  •  A web-based and open source stereotactic mouse brain atlas.

  • Ability to annotate and query.

  • >800'000 neurons in 21 brains.

  • Cell-type specific connectivity tracing in five different Cre-lines (D1, D2, ChAT, Camk2, Gad2).

  •  A web-based and open source stereotactic mouse brain atlas.

  • Ability to annotate and query.

  • >800'000 neurons in 21 brains.

  • Cell-type specific connectivity tracing in five different Cre-lines (D1, D2, ChAT, Camk2, Gad2).

  • Mapping out connectivity of ~160'000 neurons in the corticostriatal pathway (~0.23% of the entire mouse brain).

  •  A web-based and open source stereotactic mouse brain atlas.

  • Ability to annotate and query.

  • >800'000 neurons in 21 brains.

  • Cell-type specific connectivity tracing in five different Cre-lines (D1, D2, ChAT, Camk2, Gad2).

  • Mapping out connectivity of ~160'000 neurons in the corticostriatal pathway (~0.23% of the entire mouse brain).

  • Simultaneous segmentation of cell bodies and fiber tracts.

  •  A web-based and open source stereotactic mouse brain atlas.

  • Ability to annotate and query.

  • >800'000 neurons in 21 brains.

  • Cell-type specific connectivity tracing in five different Cre-lines (D1, D2, ChAT, Camk2, Gad2).

  • Mapping out connectivity of ~160'000 neurons in the corticostriatal pathway (~0.23% of the entire mouse brain).

  • Simultaneous segmentation of cell bodies and fiber tracts.

  • Works with FP, IHC, ISH, widefield, confocal, light-sheet.

  •  A web-based and open source stereotactic mouse brain atlas.

  • Ability to annotate and query.

  • >800'000 neurons in 21 brains.

  • Cell-type specific connectivity tracing in five different Cre-lines (D1, D2, ChAT, Camk2, Gad2).

  • Mapping out connectivity of ~160'000 neurons in the corticostriatal pathway (~0.23% of the entire mouse brain).

  • Simultaneous segmentation of cell bodies and fiber tracts.

  • Works with FP, IHC, ISH, widefield, confocal, light-sheet.

  • Reconstructing an entire brain in 20 min.

  •  A web-based and open source stereotactic mouse brain atlas.

  • Ability to annotate and query.

  • >800'000 neurons in 21 brains.

  • Cell-type specific connectivity tracing in five different Cre-lines (D1, D2, ChAT, Camk2, Gad2).

  • Mapping out connectivity of ~160'000 neurons in the corticostriatal pathway (~0.23% of the entire mouse brain).

  • Simultaneous segmentation of cell bodies and fiber tracts.

  • Works with FP, IHC, ISH, widefield, confocal, light-sheet.

  • Reconstructing an entire brain in 20 min.

  • Compression of large TIFF files (>300 Mb) to ~20 Mb.

  •  A web-based and open source stereotactic mouse brain atlas.

  • Ability to annotate and query.

  • >800'000 neurons in 21 brains.

  • Cell-type specific connectivity tracing in five different Cre-lines (D1, D2, ChAT, Camk2, Gad2).

  • Mapping out connectivity of ~160'000 neurons in the corticostriatal pathway (~0.23% of the entire mouse brain).

  • Simultaneous segmentation of cell bodies and fiber tracts.

  • Works with FP, IHC, ISH.

  • Reconstructing an entire brain in 20 min.

  • Compression of large TIFF files (>300 Mb) to ~20 Mb.

  • Sharing data and images easy over the web.

Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

Raster graphics in neuroscience

Freeman et al. (‎2014) Nature Methods

Raster graphics in neuroscience

8204 citations

Friston et al. (1994) Human Brain Mapping

Raster graphics in neuroscience

y_{xyzt} = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 + \beta_3x_3 + ... + \beta_nx_n
yxyzt=β0+β1x1+β2x2+β3x3+...+βnxny_{xyzt} = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 + \beta_3x_3 + ... + \beta_nx_n

8204 citations

Friston et al. (1994) Human Brain Mapping

Raster graphics in neuroscience

y_{xyzt} = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 + \beta_3x_3 + ... + \beta_nx_n
yxyzt=β0+β1x1+β2x2+β3x3+...+βnxny_{xyzt} = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 + \beta_3x_3 + ... + \beta_nx_n
y_{xyzt} = \beta_0 + \beta_{\text{cocaine}}x_{\text{cocaine}}
yxyzt=β0+βcocainexcocainey_{xyzt} = \beta_0 + \beta_{\text{cocaine}}x_{\text{cocaine}}
+ \beta_{\text{pain}}x_{\text{pain}}
+βpainxpain + \beta_{\text{pain}}x_{\text{pain}}
+ \beta_{\text{attend}}x_{\text{attend}}
+βattendxattend + \beta_{\text{attend}}x_{\text{attend}}

Raster graphics in neuroscience

y_{xyzt} = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 + \beta_3x_3 + ... + \beta_nx_n
yxyzt=β0+β1x1+β2x2+β3x3+...+βnxny_{xyzt} = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 + \beta_3x_3 + ... + \beta_nx_n
y_{xyzt} = \beta_0 + \beta_{\text{cocaine}}x_{\text{cocaine}}
yxyzt=β0+βcocainexcocainey_{xyzt} = \beta_0 + \beta_{\text{cocaine}}x_{\text{cocaine}}
+ \beta_{\text{pain}}x_{\text{pain}}
+βpainxpain + \beta_{\text{pain}}x_{\text{pain}}
+ \beta_{\text{attend}}x_{\text{attend}}
+βattendxattend + \beta_{\text{attend}}x_{\text{attend}}
+ \beta_{\text{cocaine}\times\text{attend}}x_{\text{cocaine}}x_{\text{attend}}
+βcocaine×attendxcocainexattend + \beta_{\text{cocaine}\times\text{attend}}x_{\text{cocaine}}x_{\text{attend}}

Raster graphics in neuroscience

food, weight, obese, eating, foods, obesity, reward, energy, hunger, calorie, intake, bmi, mass, body, satiety, normal, cues, responsivity, women, overweight, appetite, individuals, caloric, increases, lean, index, fat, pictures, gain, hungry, images, bed, palatable, craving, receipt, water, overeating, meal, kg, motivation
\text{AP}\times\text{ML}\times\text{DV} \quad 216\text{px} \times 178\text{px} \times 178\text{px}
AP×ML×DV216px×178px×178px\text{AP}\times\text{ML}\times\text{DV} \quad 216\text{px} \times 178\text{px} \times 178\text{px}
100\text{ sections} \times 20480\text{px} \times 12288\text{px}
100 sections×20480px×12288px 100\text{ sections} \times 20480\text{px} \times 12288\text{px}

Vector graphics in neuroscience


Vector graphics in neuroscience

Bakker, Tiesinga, Kötter (2015) Neuroinformatics

Why does it matter?

Raster graphics:

Vector graphics:

Neuroanatomical Information Systems (NIS)

Neuroanatomical Information Systems (NIS)

Image processing tools in biology

  • ITK
  • VTK
    • Visualization Toolkit
    • GE Medical Systems
    • Sandia National Laboratories (Dept. Energy)
  • KitWare
  • ImageJ
    • NIH Image (Object Pascal, macintosh only)
    • ImageJ (1997)
    • Fiji/Imagej (2009)
      Pavel Tomancak

Scale-invariant atlas

Scale-invariant atlas

Scale-invariant atlas

Web based interface

Web based interface

Web based interface

Web based interface







Segmentation and registration

Segmentation and registration

Connectivity tracing

Connectivity tracing

Connectivity tracing

Connectivity tracing

Connectivity tracing

Connectivity tracing

Decoding motor activity

Decoding motor activity

Decoding motor activity

Decoding motor activity

Barcoding connections

Barcoding connections

What is needed?

A method that:

  • uniquely labels single postsynaptic neurons
  • uniquely labels their presynaptic partners
  • uniquely label axons and trace them

Barcoding connections

What is needed?

A method that:

  • uniquely labels single postsynaptic neurons
  • uniquely labels their presynaptic neurons
  • uniquely label axons and trace them


low MOI barcoded rabies virus
low MOI barcoded rabies virus

impossible with todays technology

Barcoding connections


31'295 neurons

single neuronal projections

MAPseq: barcoded sindbis virus
                  for projection mapping

Barcoding connections

Barcoding connections

Sindbis virus (Togaviridae)

(+)ssRNA 9.7-11.8 kb

Cytoplasmic replication


  • Non-structural polyprotein
    • processed by host and viral proteases
  • Structural polyprotein
    • expressed through a subgenomic mRNA

Barcoding connections

SAD B19 (Rhabdoviridae)

(-)ssRNA 11-15 kb

Cytoplasmic replication

transcription gradient

Barcoding connections

SAD B19 (Rhabdoviridae)

(-)ssRNA 11-15 kb

Cytoplasmic replication
located to Negri Bodies



Ménager et al. 2009; Lafon et al. 1985

Barcoding connections

Neuroanatomical Information System

By Daniel Fürth

Neuroanatomical Information System

  • 715