VIsualize this!

marie bartlett

Jon Fulton

JAson Toal

- OPen LEarning

November 10, 2021

storyboard templates



Stories in 4 parts

  • 4 panels
  • Yonkomo
  • 4 icons

Visualize This! - The Storyboard

By Jason Toal

Visualize This! - The Storyboard

Do you remember how a boring concept suddenly became interesting and memorable because someone used a real life story to demonstrate its relevance? Storyboards are a way to communicate these ideas in a few (4-6) frames of graphic storytelling. In the studio this week we dive into visual storytelling and the process of creating sequenced images. Commonly used for video production, these techniques can be easily adapted to your powerpoint presentations, infographics, zines and comics.

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