VIsualize this!

JASON TOAL & marie bartlett - OPen LEarning

May 26, 2021

VIsual Thinking formats

  • Diagrams

  • Charts

  • Infographics

  • Maps


Visual Analogies

The key to  communicating visually is finding ubiquitous visual symbols that need no verbal explanation.

How to find the best visual analogy?

Follow there 5 principles:

1. It looks familiar to most of people

2. It has a structure

3. It matches your narrative’s structure

4. It is visible (something that can be seen)

5. It is visual (something that is easy to see)


The work of Edward Tufte

Charles Joseph Minard's Carte Figurative illustrates facts related to French Invasion of Russia1812.

storyboard templates


Visualize This! - The Diagram

By Jason Toal

Visualize This! - The Diagram

  • 1,076