Network Forensics 101
This deck is meant to guide beginners through how network forensics is conducted and how to use tools like wireshark. Resources in this deck come from Malware-Traffic-Analysis.net and highly recommend visiting their website!
Godot 101
This slide deck is meant to serve as an introduction and reference for beginner Godot users.
Getting into Cybersecurity
This slide deck is introduce people who are interested in cybersecurity, but don't know where to start.
Hardware RE
Basics and things to know when reversing hardware
Binary Instrumentation
Symbolic Execution
Dynamic Analysis
HACS408E - Introductions
Library and System Calls
Static Analysis
ELF & Linking
x86 Calling Conventions
x86 Assembly
C Programming
C Programming basics that are relevant to reverse engineering.
Week 10
Week 9
Malware, Volatility
Week 8
HW5, Angr
Week 6
LD_PRELOAD, Symbolic execution
Week 5
Obfuscation, Self-Modification, Traces
Week 4
GBD/EDB, Packers, Dynamic Analysis
Week 3
Static Analysis techniques and tools, Standard Libraries and GOT
Week 2
Static Analysis tools, ELF Header
Week 1
Calling Conventions, Linking, Buffer Overflow
Week 0
Welcome to RE, C, Assembly
AWS Project Proposal
Project Proposal for CMSC389L