NLMF: NonLinear Matrix Factorization Methods for
Top-N Recommender Systems
Santosh Kabbur and George Karypis
Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA
Traditional MF-based models assumptionUser preference is consistent across all the items that he/she has rated.
- Traditional MF-based models do not put emphasis on fitting the preference diversity of a given user preference.
- However, many users can have multiple interests and their preferences can vary with each such interest.
Background (1/3)
Top-N recommendation Problem
- Recommend the most appealing N items for users (Not necessary to be the exactly top N).
- Ranking metrics (e.g. Precision) are the better measures of top-N task.
- Conventional MF-based models which minimizes RMSE does not translate into performance improvements of top-N task.
- Few top popular items can skew the top-N performance.
Background (2/3)
MaxMF proposed by Weston et al.
- Represent user with multiple latent vectors, each corresponding to a different interest.
- Have more power to fit user's preference if user’s interests are diverse.
- Only choose the maximum scoring interest as the final recommendation score.
Background (3/3)
MaxMF proposed by Weston et al.
- Weaknesses
- Only interest-specific component is considered.
- May fail in two cases
- Users who have not provided enough preferences.
- Users do not have enough diversity in their itemsets.
- Weaknesses
- Represent user by T interest vectors.
- The set of items is partitioned into T partitions for each user.
- If an item is ranked higher in the top-N list, at least one of the user's interests must provide a high score for that item.
- Number of items for every interest may not be sufficient if only interest-specific preference component is learned.
- Learn user preferences as a combination of global preference and interest-specific preference components.
- Strike a balance between the two.
- The item vectors is independent between global preference and interest-specific preference components.
- The embedding sizes of the two components need not to be the same.
SGD for top-N task
- It is a common practice to do negative sampling in top-N task.
- Both positive feedbacks and missing entries are updated.
- ρ * (# of positive feedbacks) missing entries are sampled and are regarded as zeros.
- Usually ρ is small (in the range of 3-5).
- The item vectors is shared between global preference and interest-specific preference components.
Experiment (1/9)
- Dataset
- Netflix
- Flixster
- Extract a subset of the original dataset.
- Remove the top 5% of the frequently rated items.
- Binarize the Rating to make implicit feedbacks.
- Rated => 1
- Non-rated => 0
Experiment (2/9)
Experiment (3/9)
- 5-fold Leave-One-Out-Cross-Validation (LOOCV)
- Randomly select one item per user from the dataset and place it in the test set.
- Repeat to create 5 different folds.
- Evaluation Metric
- Hit rate
- Average Reciprocal Hit Rank = MRR in this case
- Hit rate
Experiment (4/9)
- Competitors
- State-of-the-art for top-N recommendation problem
- UserKNN
- PureSVD
- MaxMF
- State-of-the-art for top-N recommendation problem
Experiment (5/9)
Experiment (6/9)
- Effect of Number of Interests
- Peak values happen at T=3 or 4.
- Further increasing the value of T, the performance starts to decrease.
- Since the number of items for each interest decreases, less meaningful interest vectors are learned.
Experiment (7/9)
Experiment (8/9)
Experiment (9/9)
- All hyperparameters of these models are tuned to maximize Hit rate.
NLMFi (independent) outperforms NLMFs (shared).
- Item vectors are learned separately in NLMFi, which makes it have more power of striking a balance between global preference and interest-specific components.
- Contribution
- A MF-based method (NLMF) which solves the top-N recommendation problem by considering user's preference diversity.
- The recommendation score is computed as a combination of global preference and interest-specific user preference.
- Future works
- Test on much sparser dataset.
- Extend to rating prediction task.
[ICDMW][2014][NLMF: NonLinear Matrix Factorization Methods for Top-N Recommender Systems]
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