Front End Strategy
How can we be efficient
Development Tools
How do we package and deliver code
- Transcompiling JavaScript: Babel, Traceur etc.
- JavaScript Transforms: ng-annotate etc.
- Bundling/Concatenation: combining of scripts and styles into multiple files
- Minification: scripts, styles and html
- Source Maps: for both scripts and styles
- CSS Preprocessor: Less, Sass, Stylus etc.
- Style Transforms: Autoprefixer, PostCSS etc.
- Cache Busting: renaming files with a hash to prevent incorrect caching
- Image Optimization
- Compiling Templates: Mustache or HandlebarsJS, Underscore, EJS, Jade etc.
- Copying Assets: html, fav icon etc.
- Watching for Changes
- Incremental Rebuild
- Clean Build: deleting all files at start or preferably cleaning up files as needed
- Injecting References: generating script and style tags that reference the bundled files
- Build Configurations: separate Dev, Test and Prod configuration, for example to not minify html in dev build
- Serve: running a development web server
- Running Tests
- Running JavaScript and CSS Linters: jshint, csslint etc.
- Dependencies: handle dependencies on npm and Bower packages, Browserfy etc.
CSS Preprocessing
Programming for stylesheets
- Nest your CSS instead of repeating your selectors when having to target child elements.
- Use variables instead of repeating identical values.
- Extend classes (apply the styles of a given class to other elements).
- Use Mixins (Mixins are reusable groups of code).
- Speed / Re-use
Development and Regression
CSS Regression
- Compare signed-off CSS layout against newly developed to identify differences
Example: BackstopJS
Code Qualtiy
Standards and best practices
- New projects based on standards
- Components; create a module within a project with all the required files and structure
How to manage 3rd party code
Depedency Types
- Development Process
- Application References
Key: automate as much as possible
Framework or not, style, future ...
Copy of Old FE Deck
By Eder Rafo Jose Pariona Espiñal
Copy of Old FE Deck
- 825