BIDS tabular phenotype data software for big neuroimaging studies

Eric Earl1, Jessica Dafflon1,2, Roberto Salamanca-Giron3,
Josh Faskowitz4, Arshitha Basavaraj1, Dustin Moraczewski1,
Samuel Guay5, Francisco Pereira2, Adam Thomas1

Poster #2464, Sessions 3 and 4

and references

1 NIMH Data Science & Sharing Team, 2 NIMH Machine Learning Team, 3 NINDS Human Cortical Physiology and Neurorehabilitation Section,
4 NIMH Section on Functional Imaging Methods, 5 Université de Montréal Department of Psychology

Remember this

Our software is FAIR-principled and does the hard work of BIDS-standardizing big neuroimaging tabular phenotype data. You can download some data & dictionaries right now.


What is big neuroimaging tabular phenotype data?

How do you convert this big data to BIDS?

How do you use the software?


What is big neuroimaging tabular phenotype data?

How do you convert this big data to BIDS?

How do you use the software?



The set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment.



Consisting of or presented in columns or tables.

  • Assessments

  • Forms

  • Instruments

  • Labs

  • Questionnaires

  • Surveys

Tabular Phenotype Data

big Neuroimaging

A growing wealth of large datasets in neuroimaging

big Neuroimaging

Each study standardizes tabular phenotype data differently

350+ file pairs

TSV data

CSV dictionaries

120+ file pairs

CSV data

Excel dictionaries

1 small file pair

CSV data

PDF dictionary

2 large file pairs

CSV data

Excel dictionary

250+ file pairs

CSV data

CSV dictionaries

1 enormous file pair

CSV data

TSV dictionaries

data dictionary

Centralized repository of information about data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format

How is race defined?

What is an education of 4?


What is big neuroimaging tabular phenotype data?

How do you convert this big data to BIDS?

How do you use the software?

├── <measurement_tool_name>.tsv
└── <measurement_tool_name>.json



At OHBM 2022 Samuel Guay presented our BIDS Extension Proposal 36 (BEP036) Phenotypic Data Guidelines as a poster



What is big neuroimaging tabular phenotype data?

How do you convert this big data to BIDS?

How do you use the software?


  1. BIDS-standardizing tabular phenotype data requires non-trivial work

  2. Our FAIR-principled software has that work done

  3. You can download data and dictionaries right now or request new ones


meet The collaborators

left to right,
top to bottom

eric earl

Jessica Dafflon

Roberto Salamanca-Giron

Josh Faskowitz

Arshitha Basavaraj

dustin moraczewski

Samuel Guay

Francisco Pereira

Adam Thomas

Why did the bug not want to share his data?



Because it was buggy!

– Martha Earl, 7 years old

Kristen, Eric, Warren &  Martha

References and links

Available on:


Or follow this QR code:

This presentation's poster is #2464 and my colleagues' posters are #2444, #2506, and #1283

BIDS tabular phenotype data software for big neuroimaging studies

By Eric Earl

BIDS tabular phenotype data software for big neuroimaging studies

A presentation for the Software Demonstrations oral session during the OHBM 2023 conference, July 25, 12:45pm-2:45pm.

  • 397