AR/VR at Curtin University

Professor Erik Champion

UNESCO Chair of Cultural Heritage and Visualisation


We explore how augmented and mixed and virtual reality can reveal new dimensions of history for heritage, tourism and educational purposes

The market:

New DH skills?

Unreal game engine + mining sim trainer + Cylindrical Screen=?

Renaissance landscape historian


3D to Mixed Reality: From Regard3D to HoloLens

3D to Mixed Reality: From Regard3D to HoloLens

Workshop 23.11.2017 Curtin Library Makerspace

how can we create content that works ACROSS devices and platforms for changing devices AND audiences?

How do we preserve and communicate the past LEVERAGING the unique aspects of MR AR VR?

Who Saves the Virtual?

Becoming Archaeological p33, Ruth Tringham, UC Berkeley

“we found that at least half of his [game] examples have disappeared by now, … according to the Library of Congress, the average lifespan of a webpage is only 100 days."

3 promising trends

  1. VR equipment is moving towards the consumer level, based on the notion of a component based system.
  2. Smartphone both stereoscopic viewers & PCs (e.g. Samsung Gear).
  3. Consumer technology frameworks will help improve access..

VR =< Reality?

"… the emotions you feel when you have a virtual experience are not as valuable. Computer simulations, however good, contain only what photography, laser technology and pre-existing expertise put into them… VR will never be a substitute for encounters with the real thing."

Janna Thompson,

Don't Believe the HYPE!

UNESCO Chair Objectives

  1. Create a network to use & advise on 3D models of World Heritage Sites & show how 3D models can be employed in teaching & research
  2. Build capacity through community workshops, learning materials, distributing the teaching resources digitally at no cost the end user, train research students, postdocs, research fellows.
  3. Recommend long-term archive guidelines, linking 3D models to scholarly publications, scholarly resources & infrastructures;
  4. Disseminate the results of research activities at conferences & workshops, via online papers, applications & learning materials.
  5. Cooperate closely with UNESCO on relevant activities.

Walkable maps with 3D objects in Mixed Reality

Mafkereseb Bekele PhD Student

Collaborative Learning

Mafkereseb Bekele PhD Student

how can 2 or more users collaborate using mixed reality, and how can it scale?

3D + GIS can become VR

Ikrom Nishanbaev PhD Student

OS Photogrammetry to AR

Dr Hafizur Rahaman Research Fellow


Dr Hafizur Rahaman Research Fellow

Events so far

  1. 4 Speakers 2013, Perth
  2. Cultural Heritage Vis 2015
  3. GLAMVR-Cultural Makathon, 2016, Perth
  4. WWW2017, Perth
  5. Computer Applications in Archaeology 2017: games
  6. Imagined Places in Real Spaces 2018
  7. Linked Open Data (Pelagios grant) 2018
  8. TURIN: Digital City Summer School-game prototyping for heritage

GLAM VR talks

GLAMVR workshops

Curtin HIVE


Real-time images become textures of 3D objects in 3D archive/museum in a game engine

Library Makerspace

Cultural Makathon

Computer Applications in Archaeology 2017, Atlanta: Game Prototypes

2 humans control one character in VR or through gesture tracking!!

Agathe Limouzy, intern  2018

2013 PublicVR Jeffrey Jacobsen

Puppet Controlled Drama-PublicVR-Jeff Jacobsen (2013)


Contact       @nzerik

Faculty of Humanities, Curtin University, Perth AUSTRALIA

AR/VR at Curtin University-Humanities

By Erik Champion

AR/VR at Curtin University-Humanities

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