test-driven Infrastructure

with Ansible - docker - jenkins

Secrets to deliver gourmet automations...




Florian Dambrine - DevOps Engineer - @ GumGum

 > whoami

  • Florian Dambrine

  • DevOps Engineer @ GumGum

  • Joined GumGum 2 ½ years ago

  • Ansible fan!

 >                     - Computer vision company

Offers  innovative advertising and visual intelligence solutions for brands and publishers  

Invented In-Image 

advertising in 2008

 > Agenda

  • Ansible 101 - Brief Introduction
  • Test-Driven Infrastructure :
    • GumGum's main workflows
    • How Ansible can ease testing
      • Use of Ansible test modules
      • Use of  Docker to Mock AWS EC2
    • Introducing test frameworks
  • Demo:
    • Using Jenkins Pipelines in your workflows
    • Building a fully tested role from scratch

 > test-driven infrastructure - The goal


  • Make sure the automation worked as expected
  • Detect breaking changes earlier
  • Easily handle configuration management tool upgrades
  • Test automation software upgrades
  • Test complex infrastructure configurations:
    • Clusters depending on other ones (Zookeeper dependency)
    • Opscenter / Cassandra / Maintenance operations / Rolling restarts
  • Enforce Automation quality and best-practices

 > Ansible 101 - What is ansible?

  • Open source project started by Michael DeHaan in Feb. 2012
  • Automation engine written in Python
  • Used as :
    • Configuration Management tool
    • Orchestration tool
    • Application deployment tool
  • Push based and agent less (Can do pull too)

19K Stars

5.7K Forks

8.7 K Pull requests

 > Ansible 101 - How does it look like?

### Playbook example: webserver.yaml

- name: Webservers configuration steps
  hosts: webservers
  become: yes

    - name: Install Nginx
        name: nginx

    - name: Removing Nginx default configuration
        state: absent
        path: "/etc/nginx/{{ item }}/default"
        - sites-enabled
        - sites-available

    - name: Restart Nginx
        name: nginx
        state: restarted
### Inventory example: webapp.ini

### Ansible execution example

$ sudo ansible-playbook webservers.yaml \
      -i webapp.ini
### Ansible execution example

PLAY [Webservers configuration steps] ******************************************

TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [00.webapp.tiad.com]
ok: [01.webapp.tiad.com]

TASK [Install Nginx] ***********************************************************
changed: [01.webapp.tiad.com]
changed: [00.webapp.tiad.com]

TASK [Removing Nginx default configuration] ************************************
changed: [01.webapp.tiad.com] => (item=sites-enabled)
changed: [00.webapp.tiad.com] => (item=sites-enabled)
changed: [01.webapp.tiad.com] => (item=sites-available)
changed: [00.webapp.tiad.com] => (item=sites-available)

TASK [Restart Nginx] ***********************************************************
changed: [00.webapp.tiad.com]
changed: [01.webapp.tiad.com]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
00.webapp.tiad.com         : ok=4    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0   
01.webapp.tiad.com         : ok=4    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0  





 > gumgum's Automation workflow



















Cluster Automation

Image creation

 > Ansible playbook template

- name: EC2 instance provision
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  become: yes

    - instance: <SERVICE_NAME>
    - configuration: "{{ lookup('env','<SERVICE_NAME>') }}"

  # Explicit includes required
    # Load EC2-001 role vars
    - "{{ inventory_dir }}/group_vars/{{ instance }}/ec2-001/vars.yaml"

    # Load EC2-001 instance vars
    - "{{ inventory_dir }}/group_vars/{{ instance }}-{{ configuration }}/ec2-001/vars.yaml"

    - { role: ec2-001, tags: ['provision'] }

- name: <SERVICE_NAME> installation and configuration
  hosts: all
  become: yes

    # Playbook dependencies
    - { role: common-001, tags: ['configure', 'test', 'cleanup', 'create-ami', 'test-ami', 'common'] }
    - { role: aws-cli-001, tags: ['configure', 'test', 'cleanup', 'create-ami', 'test-ami', 'aws-cli'] }
    - { role: user-001, tags: ['configure', 'test', 'cleanup', 'create-ami', 'test-ami', 'user'] }

    # Main Role that can be called with 'configure', 'test' and 'cleanup'
    - { role: YOUR_MAIN_ROLE, tags: ['create-ami', 'test-ami', 'YOUR_MAIN_ROLE_TAG'] }

    # These two following roles allow you to create and test an AMI of the automated system
    - { role: ec2-ami-001, tags: ['create-ami', 'test-ami', 'ec2-ami'] }
    - { role: ec2-001, tags: ['test-ami'] }

 > How ansible can help testing ?

Ansible modules can help you testing:

Ansible is actually designed to be a “fail-fast” and ordered system.

-- docs.ansible.com/ansible/test_strategies.html

  • service
  • wait_for
  • uri and shell
  • register and fail
  • assert
  • stat
### tasks/test.yaml
- name: Test - Make sure the application is listening
    host: "localhost"
    port: "{{ item }}"
    delay: 0
    timeout: 60
    - 80
    - 1717

- name: Test - Check multiple application endpoints
    url: "http://localhost/{{ item.endpoint }}?{{ item.body | default(omit) }}"
    method: "{{ item.method | default('GET') }}"
  with_items: "{{ app_endpoints }}"

### vars/main.yaml

    - endpoint: 'heartbeat'

    - endpoint: 'sentiment'
      method: POST
      body: "text='I have a good feeling'"

 > introducing docker to mock aws ec2 servers

Connection plugins



$ ansible-playbook elasticsearch.yaml \
    --tags configure \
    --limit <EC2_INSTANCE_ID>
$ ansible-playbook elasticsearch.yaml \
    --tags configure \
    --limit <DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID> \
    --connection docker

 > why docker?

  • Container launch times are really fast, they start instantly!

  • We could not test all our modules if we had to wait for EC2 instances.

  • More efficient resource utilization.

  • Containers are disposable and cheap!

Because testing is now a requirement !

activemq                       ad-server                      ansible                       
ansible-metadata               apt-cacher-ng                  asset-queue-processor         
aws-api-server                 aws-cli                        aws-mon-linux                 
bid-predictor                  bower                          cache-flush-queue-processor   
cassandra                      cassandra-cleanup              cassandra-compaction          
cassandra-firewall             cassandra-repair               cassandra-rolling-restart     
cloudfront-origin              codedeploy                     common                        
cron                           cserver                        deploy-ad-server              
deploy-fluentd-aggregator      deploy-fluentd-forwarder       deploy-mantii-api             
deploy-reporting-server        design-prototypes              development                   
docker                         docker-container               druid                         
druid-pivot                    ec2                            ec2-ami                       
ec2-ami-find                   ec2-metadata                   elasticsearch                 
elasticsearch-rolling-restart  esa-categorizer                flask-example                 
fluentd                        fluentd-aggregator             fluentd-forwarder             
forecasting-server             ganglia                        ganglia-server                
geoserver                      gnip-consumer                  gradle                        
graphite                       groovy                         grunt                         
gumgum-adbuilder               gumgum-ad-unit-test            gumgum-dashboard              
gumgum-vi-web                  gumgum-web-api                 gumgum-webapp                 
gumgum-wrapdeck                icinga2                        image-queue-processor         
java                           jenkins                        kafka                         
kafka-firewall                 kafka-manager                  kafka-monitoring              
kafka-offset-monitor           kafka-rolling-restart          logoserver                    
logstash-client                manage-user                    mantii-api                    
mantii-web                     memcached                      mysql-server                  
nagios                         new-relic                      nginx                         
nodejs                         opscenter                      page-queue-processor          
payments-server                php                            PHPCi                         
phpmemcachedadmin              postfix-client                 postfix-relay                 
queue-processor                raid0                          redis                         
reload-icinga2                 reporting-server               role                          
ruby                           rvm                            s3s3mirror                    
sails                          sbt                            security-aws-public-range     
spark                          spiderami                      squid                         
storm                          sumologic                      taskrunner                    
text-web-services              tomcat                         tws                           
user                           uwsgi                          vertex-api                    
vertex-logo                    vertex-visage                  zookeeper    

10 automations

60 automations

120 automations

 > ec2 vs docker provision with ansible

- name: Docker container provision
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  become: yes

    - instance: <SERVICE_NAME>
    - configuration: "{{ lookup('env','<SERVICE_NAME>') }}"

  # Explicit includes required

    # Load Docker container vars, fallback to default if no specific configuration provided
    - [
        "{{ inventory_dir }}/group_vars/{{ instance }}-{{ configuration }}/docker-container-001/vars.yaml",
        "{{ inventory_dir }}/group_vars/{{ instance }}/docker-container-001/vars.yaml",
        "{{ inventory_dir }}/group_vars/all/docker-container-001/vars.yaml"

    - { role: docker-container-001, tags: ['docker'] }

- name: EC2 instance provision
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  become: yes

    - instance: <SERVICE_NAME>
    - configuration: "{{ lookup('env','<SERVICE_NAME>') }}"

  # Explicit includes required
    # Load EC2-001 role vars
    - "{{ inventory_dir }}/group_vars/{{ instance }}/ec2-001/vars.yaml"

    # Load EC2-001 instance vars
    - "{{ inventory_dir }}/group_vars/{{ instance }}-{{ configuration }}/ec2-001/vars.yaml"

    - { role: ec2-001, tags: ['provision'] }

ansible-playbook <automation>.yaml \

--tags docker

ansible-playbook <automation>.yaml \

--tags provision

 > ec2 vs docker provision with ansible

├── ec2.ini          # Inventory script configuration file
├── ec2.py           # Inventory script returning the list of EC2 servers as JSON
└─── group_vars                 # Define variable overrides to change default roles behavior
     ├── <service>              # Overrides role variables at the service level
     ├── <service>-<cluster_id> # Overrides role variables at the cluster level
     ├── cassandra              # Scope to override vars for all cassandra clusters 
     │   └── java
     │       └── vars.yaml      # Provides the Java version (1.8)
     ├── cassandra-analytics    # Scope to override vars for cassandra-analytics cluster
     │   └── cassandra
     │       └── vars.yaml      # Defines cassandra.yml configuration
     └── cassandra-realtime     # Scope to override vars for cassandra-realtime cluster
         └── cassandra
             └── vars.yaml      # Defines cassandra.yml configuration
├── docker.cfg          # Inventory script configuration file
├── docker.py           # Inventory script returning docker containers as JSON
└─── group_vars         # Define variable overrides to change default roles behavior
     ├── <service>      # Overrides role variables at the service level
     └── <service>-test # Overrides role variables at the container group level
     ├── cassandra              # Scope to override vars for all cassandra clusters 
     │   └── java
     │       └── vars.yaml      # Provides the Java version (1.8)

The Docker inventory can either be:

  • Really close to the production one
  • Different from production to test upgrades


 > Seems like we could do even better...

Docker provision

Ansible Configuration

Ansible Tests

Syntax check

Check idempotency

Run extra playbooks

Run ServerSpec

Run Ansible-Lint

Run extra scripts


100% accurate


 > Introducing jenkins Pipelines

In contrast to freestyle jobs, pipelines enable you to define the whole application lifecycle. Pipeline functionality helps Jenkins to support continuous delivery (CD). The Pipeline plugin was built with requirements for a flexible, extensible, and script-based CD workflow capability in mind.

-- jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/


  • Jenkins 1.642.3 or later (Jenkins 2 is recommended)

  • The Pipeline plugin

  • A bit of Groovy learning (scripting language on top of Java)

Why using Jenkins as an Orchestrator ?

  • Trigger corresponding pipelines  based on changes

  • Multibranch pipelines can help you to test new features

 > Jenkins Pipeline Skeleton

node {
    //--- (0) Preliminary steps
    stage 'Checkout Ops repo'
    git url: 'git@<url_to_git_repo>'

    def testedAnsiblePlaybooks = [...]

    //--- Print colored Ansible logs
    wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper', 'colorMapName': 'xterm']) {
        for (testedAnsiblePlaybook in testedAnsiblePlaybooks) {

            //--- (1) - Run a simple ansible syntax-check
            stage "Check ${testedAnsiblePlaybook} playbook syntax"
            // TODO
            //--- (2) - Provision docker containers
            stage "Run ${testedAnsiblePlaybook} to start docker containers"
            // TODO

            //--- (3) - Automate docker containers
            stage "Run ${testedAnsiblePlaybook} against docker containers"
            // TODO

            //--- (4) - Extra playbooks / commands to run once the service is up
            stage "Run extra playbook ${testedAnsiblePlaybook}"
            // TODO

            //--- (5) - Run extra tests (Ansible Commands, ServerSpec or others)
            stage "Run serverspec to test ${testedAnsiblePlaybook}"
            // TODO

            stage "Run ansible-lint on ${testedAnsiblePlaybook}"
            // TODO

            stage "Run extra automation tests"
            // TODO

        //--- (6) - Destroy all previously started docker containers
        for (testedAnsiblePlaybook in testedAnsiblePlaybooks) {
            stage "Run ${testedAnsiblePlaybook} to destroy docker containers"
            // TODO

 > Why Jenkins pipelines?

[H] - The example above is 45 lines (19 useful ones)

[Q] - How many clicks would you have done if you were not using Jenkins Pipelines?

[A] - Too many...

  • Pipelines are part of your code repository
  • Configure Jenkins to run a script from the SCM
  • Share / Import code between pipelines (DRY!)
  • Jenkins provides an Ansible plugin

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 > DEMO - Jenkins Pipeline overview

 > DEMO - Building a fully tested role from scratch!

  1. Ansible configure.yaml
  2. Ansible test.yaml
  3. Jenkins Pipeline
  4. ServerSpec tests
  5. Ansible-Lint

Flask HelloWorld Webapp


100% accurate


1. Ansible configure.yaml

2. Ansible test.yaml


### Make the application folder, clone from GitHub,
### install pip requirements

- name: Make the application folder

- name: Pull flask-helloworld from GitHub

- name: Install requirements into virtualenv

### Configure UWSGI 

- name: Create the apps-available configuration file

- name: Create the apps-enabled symlink

### Start the webapp and make sure it's healthy

- name: Test - Start Uwsgi Emperor
    name: emperor
    state: started
    pattern: 'uwsgi --emperor'

- name: Test - Wait for the application
    host: localhost
    port: 5000
    delay: 0
    timeout: 30

- name: Test - Check the application endpoint
    url: http://localhost:5000
    method: GET


3. Jenkins Pipeline

### /opt/ops/ansible/tests/pipelines/flask-webapp-pipeline/Strategy.groovy
# File used by the pipeline skeleton to configure it

utils = load('ansible/tests/pipelines/utils/Utils.groovy')

def getPipelineStrategy() {

    strategy = [
        runWithAnsibleVersion: 'ansible-',   // Which ansible version ?
        runDestroyWithinTheLoop: true,              // Which destruction policy ?
        runAnsibleLint: true,                       // Should it run Ansible-Lint ?
        runServerSpec: true                         // Should it run ServerSpec ?

    strategy ? strategy : null

def getPlaybookList() {

    playbooks = [
        "flask-example-001.yaml"                     // Which playbooks should be tested in the pipeline ?

    playbooks ? playbooks : null


 > DEMO - Flask WebApp

 > DEMO - STEP 4 - ServerSpec 

4. ServerSpec tests

### spec/flask-example/flask-example_spec.rb

require 'spec_helper'

role = 'flask-example'

describe "#{role}" do
    ### - 1 - Apply universal ansible role 
    ### tests based on properties.yml

    it_should_behave_like "an ansible role", 

    ### - 2 - Any extra other tests you need 
    ### to perform on this service goes here

    # TODO if needed
### properties.yml

    - common
    - uwsgi
    - :path: /opt/flask-helloworld
      :owner: ggdeploy
      :group: ggapp
      :mode: 755
    - :path: /opt/flask-helloworld/hello.py
      :owner: ggdeploy
      :group: ggapp
    - :path: /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/flask-helloworld.ini
      :owner: root
      :group: root
      :mode: 644
    - :path: /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/flask-helloworld.ini
      :owner: root
      :group: root
      :type: symlink
    - :port: 5000
      :type: tcp
    - :cmd: "curl -s localhost:5000"
      :match: "Hello World!"
    - :name: emperor
      :enabled: yes
      :running: yes
$ tree /opt/ops/ansible/tests/serverspec/spec/

├── flask-example
│   └── flask-example_spec.rb
└── shared
    └── universal
        └── init.rb

 > DEMO - STEP 5 - Ansible-lint

5. Ansible-Lint tests

### roles/flask-example-001/configure.yaml
- name: Make the application folder
    state: directory
    path: "{{ flask_example_root_folder }}"
    owner: "{{ gg_deploy }}"
    group: "{{ gg_app }}"
    mode: 755

- name: Pull flask-helloworld from GitHub
    repo: https://github.com/Lowess/flask-helloworld.git
    dest: "{{ flask_example_root_folder }}"
    accept_hostkey: yes
  become_user: "{{ gg_deploy }}"

 > Thanks !

IT's time for

Q&A !

Slides: http://bit.ly/2cg2wBd



Ansible 101

 > Ansible 101 - What is ansible?

  • Open source project started by Michael DeHaan in Feb. 2012
  • Automation engine written in Python
  • Used as :
    • Configuration Management tool
    • Orchestration tool
    • Application deployment tool
  • Push based (Can do pull too)

18K Stars

5440 Forks

8.5 K Pull requests

 > Ansible 101 - Terminology

  • Inventory : Against what you are running your automations?
### INI file format




Static Inventory

Dynamic Inventory

 > Ansible 101 - Terminology

  • Fact :  System information that can be discovered from a system
    "ansible_eth0": {
        "active": true,
        "device": "eth0",
        "ipv4": {
            "address": "REDACTED",
            "netmask": "",
            "network": "REDACTED"
    "ansible_kernel": "3.5.0-23-generic",
    "ansible_lsb": {
        "codename": "precise",
        "description": "Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS",
        "id": "Ubuntu",
        "major_release": "12",
        "release": "12.04"
    "ansible_machine": "x86_64",

 > Ansible 101 - Terminology

  • Module :  Abstraction of a task

Linux commands

Ansible modules








 > Ansible 101 - Terminology

  • Task : Run an action from a module with specified arguments

ok - changed - skipped - failed

Return codes of a task:

- name: Install Nginx
    name: nginx 
    update_cache: yes 
    state: present
- name: Start an EC2 instance
    module: ec2
    aws_access_key: 'AKIAXXXXXXXXX'
    aws_secret_key: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX'
    key_name: 'mykeypair.pem'
    instance_type: 'c3.large'
    wait: yes
    image: 'ami-XXXXXX'
    count: 1
    region: 'us-east-1'
    zone: 'us-east-1b'
    monitoring: yes
    group: ['sshonly', 'webapp']
      Name: demo
      Owner: 'Florian Dambrine'
      - device_name: /dev/sda1
        volume_size: 30
- name: Create the scripts log folder 
    state: directory
    path: /var/log/gumgum-scripts
    owner: gumgum
    group: gumgum
    mode: 644

 > Ansible 101 - Terminology

  • Play : What tasks to play on what servers (a Task + Inventory)
$ ansible webservers -s -m apt -a "name=nginx state=latest update_cache=yes"
foo.tiad.com | success >> {
    "changed": true, 
    "stderr": "", 
    "stdout": "Reading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading state......"
bar.tiad.com | success >> { ...
### nginx-play.yaml
- hosts: webservers
  sudo: yes
    - name: Install Nginx
        name: nginx 
        update_cache: yes 
        state: present
$ ansible-playbook nginx-play.yaml

PLAY [webserver] *************************************

TASK: [Install Nginx] ********************************
changed: [foo.tiad.com]
changed: [bar.tiad.com]

PLAY RECAP *******************************************
foo.tiad.com : ok=0 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0   
bar.tiad.com : ok=0 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0   

Example with the ansible-playbook command

Example with an ad-hoc command

 > Ansible 101 - Terminology

  • Playbook : A list of plays
### nginx-playbook.yaml
- hosts: webservers
  sudo: yes
    - name: Install Nginx
        name: nginx
        state: latest
        update_cache: yes

    - name: Cleaning apps-enabled
        state: absent 
        path: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
    - name: Cleaning apps-available
        state: absent 
        path: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

    - name: Restart Nginx
        name: nginx
        state: restarted



 > Ansible 101 - Terminology

  • Role : Reusable self-contained entity



├── defaults/        ---> Lowest priority variables.
│   └── main.yaml
├── files/           ---> Contains static files that need to be deployed on remote server.
│   └── ...               
├── handlers/        ---> Contains tasks that can be triggered by a notification event.
│   └── main.yaml         
├── meta/            ---> Contains dependencies between roles.
│   └── main.yaml
├── tasks/           ---> Contains your soup.
│   ├── ...
│   └── main.yaml
├── templates/       ---> Contains templates that will be fed with variables (facts, or role vars).
│   ├── ....j2            
└──  vars/           ---> Higher level of priority where default variables will be overiden.
    ├── ...               
    └── main.yaml


Jenkins Pipeline

 > Current pipeline structure

$ tree ops/ansible/tests/pipelines/
├── ansible-installer.sh  ### Shell script run by Jenkins to install ansible
├── ansible-version.txt   ### Defines the Ansible version with which all pipelines will run
├── big-data-pipeline
│   ├── Pipeline.groovy -> ../utils/LinearPipeline.groovy  ### Symlink to pipeline skeleton
│   ├── SpecificSteps.groovy                               ### Runs specific commands
│   └── Strategy.groovy                                    ### Determines what sould run
├── cluster-pipeline
│   ├── Pipeline.groovy -> ../utils/LinearPipeline.groovy
│   ├── SpecificSteps.groovy
│   └── Strategy.groovy
├── main-roles-pipeline
│   ├── Pipeline.groovy -> ../utils/LinearPipeline.groovy
│   ├── SpecificSteps.groovy
│   └── Strategy.groovy
├── ...
│   ├── Pipeline.groovy -> ../utils/LinearPipeline.groovy
│   ├── SpecificSteps.groovy
│   └── Strategy.groovy
└── utils                         ### Files shared across pipelines
    ├── AnsibleHelpers.groovy     ### Calls with ansiblePlaybook plugin
    ├── Hitman.groovy             ### Independent script checking for best-practices
    ├── LinearPipeline.groovy     ### Pipeline template shown in this presentation
    ├── ServerSpecHelpers.groovy  ### Calls with ServerSpec
    └── Utils.groovy              ### All kind of utilities (Email notifications, ...)

 > Jenkins Pipelines - tips & tricks

  • Test a configuration management version upgrade
### utils/Utils.groovy

def grabAnsibleRunner(ansibleRunnerName=null) {
     * If @ansibleRunnerName is not set, get the Ansible executable based on
     * the version listed ansible-version.txt. Otherwise uses the runner provided.
     * @ansibleRunner: Valid ansible version registered on the Jenkins server

    def ansibleRunner = null

    if (ansibleRunnerName==null) {
        def ansibleVersion = readFile('ansible/tests/pipelines/ansible-version.txt')
        ansibleRunner = "ansible-${ansibleVersion}"
    } else {
        ansibleRunner = "${ansibleRunnerName}"

    echo "Running pipeline using Ansible runner ${ansibleRunner}"

    def ansibleTool = tool "${ansibleRunner}"
    sh "${ansibleTool}/ansible --version"

    ansibleRunner ? ansibleRunner : null

Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > Ansible Installations 

Test-Driven Infrastructure with Ansible

By Florian Dambrine

Test-Driven Infrastructure with Ansible

GumGum's operations team manages over 800 EC2 instances using around 100 Ansible roles that touch technologies like Cassandra, Elasticsearch, Storm, and Kafka among others. Today’s operation team uses automations to provision, configure and build AWS AMIs and production clusters. Automations have become a critical resource we need to make 100% reliable. In this presentation you will learn: • Brief review of Ansible key concepts • How to write testable and reliable ansible roles (configure, test and cleanup) using Ansible itself (no extra learning needed) • How to continuously integrate and test Ansible automations using Jenkins 2.0 Pipelines and Docker • Key lessons learned while using Ansible in a fast growing environment. Video of the talk: • https://youtu.be/GWpMOclvfuQ Interviews: • http://www.gumgum.com/2016/11/18/florian-dambrine-talks-devops-tiad-paris/http://blog.d2-si.fr/2016/10/25/transformation-devops-gumgum/

  • 5,568