IoT Has Layers
Chris Gammell
Developer Relations Lead at Golioth
Learn all of the pieces you need to build your IoT product
About Chris
Chris Gammell
@chris_gammell on twitter
- Developer Relations Lead at Golioth
- 20 years hardware development
- Worked at places like ABB, Samsung, Supplyframe, Keithley, Hologram
- Most recently was a hardware and firmware consultant.
Golioth is a device management platform
(and more)
IoT Services Are Not
Ask for help with "IoT" and you'll get 150 different service suggestions
(and none of those might be right)
Understanding Services
Can Prevent Future Pitfalls
A common tradeoff
How much of a solution you can "Buy"
How much you'll need to "DIY"
A good outcome for this session:
You know enough to be able to map a new service offering and know to ask about the missing pieces
Assumptions for today's examples
The device is always on
We're looking at cellular platforms
The platform we're going to choose needs some web interface
We're not going to be designing the web interface
Example product: Cellular
door lock / access control
This is a minimum set of requirements to narrow the field
If you don't have these requirements, it's a really good idea spending time going out and discovering them
"You have to 'buy in' at each decision point, but then you're stuck with it"
~ A friend with 15+ years of IoT experience
The 12 Layers Chart
Noticeably Absent
Layer 1: Hardware
Layer 1: Hardware
- The physical interface to the world
- Determines your ultimate device specifications
Layer 1: Hardware
- Custom
- Off the shelf
- Migration based (dev board -> module)
- Bought through cloud provider (verically integrated)
Layer 1: Hardware
- Custom hardware is expensive to develop and manufacturing can be fraught with issues.
- 2021/2022 has had many sourcing issues.
- The switching costs are extremely high.
- Choosing a piece of hardware from a cloud provider can influence the rest of the "layers" you use.
- Sourcing issues exist for purchased hardware too.
Layer 2: Device Firmware
Layer 2: Device Firmware
- The low level code running on your device.
- We define it as the summation of Real Time Operating System (RTOS), drivers, low level interfaces to hardware (HAL), and vendor contributed code.
- Could be locked into your vendor offering, if you are using a vertically integrated solution.
Layer 2: Device Firmware
- FreeRTOS
- Zephyr RTOS
- ThreadX
- Particle OS
Layer 2: Device Firmware
- Building from the ground up is a lengthy process.
- Every additional feature requires you write it from scratch, including peripheral and network support.
- Choosing an Operating System means you are at the mercy of the development path.
- Some RTOSes are owned by cloud companies, which means the most supported path will likely be their path.
Layer 3: Device Application
Layer 3: Device Application
- The higher level function and business intelligence running on your device.
- May be portable between different pieces of hardware (depends on the lower level device firmware/RTOS). In general, this layer of SW/FW contains higher levels of abstraction.
- May be possible to update application code without updating all code.
- For DIY solutions, depends on how you structure your code/project setup.
Layer 3: Device Application
- Particle Web IDE running Arduino software on top of Particle OS
- Toit device management running application software on top of a VM.
Layer 3: Device Application
- High levels of abstractions can make it harder to troubleshoot stuff "under the hood"
- Additional layers of SW/FW can consume more resources and drain batteries quicker.
- If defining your own application level code, it's important to draw boundaries in the correct places.
Layer 4: Connectivity / Security
Layer 4: Connectivity
- For certain devices, the connectivity is included and invisible to the user, such as WiFi device. Configuration is still required, but there is no external operator.
- For cellular and certain LPWAN platforms, the connectivity layer is something that needs to be considered.
- Some platforms bundle this with their services.
Layer 4: Connectivity
- Hologram management console of SIM cards
Layer 4: Connectivity
- Additional layer of management required, including if you need to build tooling into your management back-end.
- Less synchronization between data and device activation.
DIY (separate provider)
BUY (bundled)
- Limited to what the provider is offering, especially if there is no option to buy external data.
- May not be able to cost optimize for large deployments.
Layer 5: Configuration / State
Layer 5: Configuration / State
- This is what you need to be able to push and pull current state information from a device.
- Both the device and the cloud have access to the same variables.
- Sometimes referred to as "Digital Twin".
- Want to be able to set the state and understand the current state at the same time.
- Want some kind of message queuing to ensure delivery from cloud to device.
Layer 5: Configuration / State
- Golioth console showing LightDB state management options for a device
- AWS IOT Core Device Shadow (source)
Layer 5: Configuration / State
- Choosing a platform without a "command and control" option means you will need to build your own.
- Building from basic hosted elements (AWS, Azure, etc) will be a higher maintenance overhead and codebase.
- Vendor lock-in for all developed intelligence.
- More rigid method of implementing C&C on a device.
- If provider has some, but not all, required features, may still require custom development.
Layer 6: Time-Series Data
Layer 6: Time-Series Data
- Sending back streaming data and tagging each datapoint with the time it was received.
- Whenever you see a line graph visualizing something like temperature, it was likely built on a service such as this.
- This is one of the most common aspect of IoT platform services because of the expectation of being able to chart sensor data.
Layer 6: Time-series Data
- back end processing of time-series data (source)
- Azure IoT Time Series Insights (source)
Layer 6: Time-series Data
- Choosing to go true DIY (running your own database) can be a DevOps challenge as you scale.
- Buying a cloud service (AWS, Azure, etc) for this service can quickly spiral costs if rate limiting ins't in place.
- Rate limits may end up impacting your ability to capture all data you want.
- Needing higher rates may bump you into a higher cost "tier" as you scale.
- Watch your ingress and egress costs on certain platforms.
Layer 7: Device Management
Layer 7: Device Management
- As your fleet of device grows, you want some way to view all of the devices that are part of a project or deployment.
- Tools to specifically target a single device or subset of devices and take some action on that subset.
- Reporting "health" status of devices, often outside of the configuration / state data interfaces.
Layer 7: Device Management
- Blues Wireless Notehub interface (source)
- Blynk management of outside devices (source)
Layer 7: Device Management
- Some small projects don't think they need device mgmt at first, instead relying on scripting to ping devices; not a good idea.
- Differentiation likely isn't worth the time investment.
- Vendor lock-in
- If a particular platform is not built for the intended scale of the deployment.
Layer 8: Device Firmware Update
Layer 8: Device Firmware Update
- Being able to remotely update the firmware/software of a device is a critical function for any IoT deployment.
- Different platforms will update the device firmware (layer 2) and/or the device application (layer 3).
- Versioning is an important aspect of an update system, so the correct firmware is downloaded to eligible devices.
- DFU is intertwined with Device Management.
Layer 8: Device Firmware Update
- OTA firmware updates (source)
- AWS IoT Lens (source)
Layer 8: Device Firmware Update
- Some small projects don't think they need device mgmt at first, instead relying on scripting to ping devices; not a good idea.
- DIY solutions have a higher risk of "bricking" a device because of less tested device and cloud code.
- Quotas around how much data and how often you can update a device might not fit your needs.
- May require deeper integration with a Device Firmware (layer 2) solution than you prefer.
Layer 9: Cloud Interoperability
Layer 9: Cloud Interoperability
- A benefit of most IoT device management systems is they move the burden of processing and routing information from the device to the cloud.
- Platforms ingest data from constrained devices and then have more power to re-transmit that data to other parts of the internet.
- Cloud providers "speak the same language" (HTTP) so it can be easier to pass messages between providers.
Layer 9: Cloud Interoperability
- Output Streams
- Blues Wireless Notehub Routes
Layer 9: Cloud Interoperability
- Trying to do this from the device would require changing out the endpoints your device hits.
- This is another layer of software and management.
- Systems that are closer to using raw web processing require much more cloud side code.
Layer 10: Deployment Flexibility
Layer 10: Deployment Flexibility
- Probably the least thought of, but most important as your device / service / business starts to scale:
- Can you expand as you want?
- What are the limits of your current service offering?
- Some IoT companies run into a roadblock at this stage and then start from scratch on a large scale solution--an all DIY solution with separate services for each of the 12 layers.
- Can you buy the service instead?
Layer 10: Deployment Flexibility
- Clearblade Enterprise Offering
- Extended/Enterprise edition (modern on-prem)
Layer 10: Deployment Flexibility
- Assuming you are building your own solution using AWS/Azure/GCP:
- Needs for DevOps grows exponentially.
- If revisiting the DIY option, it may have a rippling impact layers 1 through 9.
- Not many service providers offer this as an option...what then?
- Taking on more of the DevOps tasks.
Layer 11: API Access
Layer 11: API Access
- How do you access all of the data and command and control functions you have on your devices from an external source like an app? You need an API!
- This is the "cloud side" control of your fleet of devices.
- There are different methods of pushing or pulling data from a cloud platform, such as a REST API, WebStreams, WebHooks.
Layer 11: API Access
- Blues Wireless REST API
Layer 11: API Access
- Probably only doing this DIY if you are starting from scratch with a database.
- The scale of what you need to build is significant: all facets of your platform need to be accessible from your APIs.
- API Rate Limiting
- Usually you will not have input into the structure of the data.
Layer 12: Visualization
Layer 12: Visualization
- This is the method of charting and interacting with data, often for your end users.
- There are multiple offerings in the IoT space that start with this as the main feature and have gradually offered more features "down the stack".
- Sometimes the visualization tools are more at a "platform" level and also offer secondary device management, for "your customer's customer".
- How end customers often think of "IoT"
Layer 12: Visualization
- Ubidots visualization and user management platform
- Datacake visualization platform
Layer 12: Visualization
- A common DIY solution would be an app that works on web/mobile and can access data and C&C.
- Generic application developers will take longer because of IoT-specific needs.
- Often this is a secondary service you will need to purchase and export data to (higher system cost).
- Targeting a viz tool first might not have the other features explained in layers 1 through 11.
Golioth Blog
Please find me to chat about
hardware and IoT!
Chris Gammell
@chris_gammell on twitter
Case Study:
Particle Boron Device /
Particle Cloud
Layer 1: Hardware
Layer 2: Device Firmware
Layer 3: Device Application
Layer 4: Connectivity / Security
Layer 5: Configuration / State
Layer 6: Time Series
Layer 7: Device Management
Layer 8: Device Firmware Update
Layer 9: Cloud Interoperability
Layer 10: Deployment Flexibility
Layer 11: API Access
Layer 12: Visualization
Pretty all inclusive offering due to the vertical nature of their platform.
The risks are the same for any vertical platform: lock-in.
Case Study:
WiFi device talking to MQTT broker
Layer 1: Hardware
Layer 2: Device Firmware
Layer 3: Device Application
Layer 4: Connectivity / Security
Layer 5: Configuration / State
Layer 6: Time Series
Layer 7: Device Management
Layer 8: Device Firmware Update
Layer 9: Cloud Interoperability
Layer 10: Deployment Flexibility
Layer 11: API Access
Layer 12: Visualization
Possible to script and tie together some of the features mentioned here
All of the above "layers" were mostly focused on local control, taking this to the cloud would be an additional layer of difficulty.
Since "scripting" is a common theme, this would be very difficult to maintain.
Case Study:
Golioth cellular device
Layer 1: Hardware
Layer 2: Device Firmware
Layer 3: Device Application
Layer 4: Connectivity / Security
Layer 5: Configuration / State
Layer 6: Time Series
Layer 7: Device Management
Layer 8: Device Firmware Update
Layer 9: Cloud Interoperability
Layer 10: Deployment Flexibility
Layer 11: API Access
Layer 12: Visualization
Similar features to other device platforms, with more flexibility on the device and cloud side of things.
IoT Has Layers - All Things Open 2022
By Golioth
IoT Has Layers - All Things Open 2022
- 254