Clean Python management
when using R as an interface to Python
DSC 2019
Interfaces should be convenient
Programming a package to use an interface should be straightforward
The users of the application should be largely unaware of the interface
From John Chambers (Extending R)
Interfaces should be convenient
Programming a package to use an interface should be straightforward
The users of the application should be largely unaware of the interface
From John Chambers (Extending R)
reticulate accomplishes this very nicely
Except for one thing

166 / 429 issues (~39%)
Why is this a problem?
There are plenty of interfaces with system dependencies
- C, C++, Fortran
- Misc system requirements
- SQL databases, Spark, etc.
Why is this a problem?
There are plenty of interfaces with system dependencies
- C, C++, Fortran
- Misc system requirements
- SQL databases, Spark, etc.
Usually not a problem on Mac/Linux, CRAN binaries
Motivated user / installed by system admin
Often easy to install / configure (brew, apt, yum, etc.)
What's special about Python?
reticulate enables R to be not just an interface to Python, but many interfaces to many Python packages
What's special about Python?
Different versions of Python
Many Python packages with different versions and dependencies
Many environment management approaches
Python environments are often already configured for other uses outside of your particular R interface use case
reticulate enables R to be not just an interface to Python, but many interfaces to many Python packages
What's special about Python?
Different versions of Python
Many Python packages with different versions and dependencies
Many environment management approaches
Python environments are often already configured for other uses outside of your particular R interface use case
reticulate enables R to be not just an interface to Python, but many interfaces to many Python packages
It is inevitable that at some point a user will need to do something manually in their system outside of R to get their Python environment installed or configured properly
Install miniconda Python in an isolated, "namespaced" location that can be fully customized for your particular use case
Provides utilities for making this installation and configuration part of an R package setup
These installations do not interfere with any other Python installation on your system
Works on Linux, MacOS, and Windows
Install miniconda Python in an isolated, "namespaced" location that can be fully customized for your particular use case
Provides utilities for making this installation and configuration part of an R package setup
These installations do not interfere with any other Python installation on your system
Works on Linux, MacOS, and Windows
Goal: Give R users access to anything in Python without them knowing they are using Python
Why miniconda?
- Relatively small
- Self-contained install option
- Fast install
- Easy to install on major platforms
"Miniconda is a free minimal installer for conda. It is a small, bootstrap version of Anaconda that includes only conda, Python, the packages they depend on, and a small number of other useful packages."
Another (messier) way: https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks/PythonEmbedInR
# install.packages("remotes")
Use case 1:
I'm a data scientist using reticulate and I want a "clean" separate Python installation
Places an isolated miniconda installation in a subdirectory of a base directory housing all installations made through rminiconda
OS | Base Directory Location |
Windows | %APPDATA%\rminiconda |
Linux | ~/.rminiconda |
MacOS | ~/Library/rminiconda |
Installing miniconda
rminiconda::install_miniconda(version = 2, name = "my_python")
# Using path for conda installation:
# /Users/hafen/Library/rminiconda/my_python
# Downloading miniconda installer...
# Source: https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda2-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh
# Destination: /Users/hafen/Library/rminiconda/my_python
# trying URL 'https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda2-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh'
# Content type 'application/x-sh' length 44325091 bytes (42.3 MB)
# ==================================================
# downloaded 42.3 MB
# By installing, you accept the Conda license:
# https://conda.io/en/latest/license.html
# Installing isolated miniconda distribution...
# ...
# ...
# miniconda installation successful!
Using miniconda
# get the path to the binary and set reticulate to use it
py <- rminiconda::find_miniconda_python("my_python")
reticulate::use_python(py, required = TRUE)
Use case 2:
I'm an R package developer and I want my package users to not worry about anything related to Python
Case study: kitools
- Utilities for data scientists working in the "knowledge integration" (ki) group at a large non-profit
- Mostly R users but need to support Python as well
- Complex logic -- don't want to maintain two independent codebases
- Build the package in Python and use reticulate to port it to R
- Our users won't use it if it's not easy to install
#' @import rminiconda
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname)
# side effects (bad!) but can lead to trouble if not unset
Sys.setenv(PYTHONHOME = "")
Sys.setenv(PYTHONPATH = "")
# make sure Python is configured for this package
is_configured(msg = packageStartupMessage)
#' Check to see if the kitools Python environment has been configured
#' @param msg What function to use for messages (could be called at package startup or elsewhere in the package)
is_configured <- function(msg = message) {
# should also check that the required packages are installed
if (!rminiconda::is_miniconda_installed("kitools")) {
msg("It appears that kitools has not been configured...")
msg("Run 'kitools_configure()' for a one-time setup.")
return (FALSE)
} else {
py <- rminiconda::find_miniconda_python("kitools")
reticulate::use_python(py, required = TRUE)
return (TRUE)
#' One-time configuration of environment for kitools
#' @details This installs an isolated Python distribution along with required dependencies so that the kitools R package can seamlessly wrap the kitools Python package.
#' @export
kitools_configure <- function() {
# install isolated miniconda
if (!rminiconda::is_miniconda_installed("kitools"))
rminiconda::install_miniconda(version = 3, name = "kitools")
# install python packages
py <- rminiconda::find_miniconda_python("kitools")
rminiconda::rminiconda_pip_install("beautifultable", "kitools")
rminiconda::rminiconda_pip_install("synapseclient", "kitools")
rminiconda::rminiconda_pip_install("kitools", "kitools",
"-i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ kitools")
reticulate::use_python(py, required = TRUE)
User's Experience
> library(kitools)
# It appears that kitools has not been configured...
# Run 'kitools_configure()' for a one-time setup.
# Attaching package: ‘kitools’
> kitools_configure()
# Using path for conda installation:
# /Users/hafen/Library/rminiconda/kitools
# Downloading miniconda installer...
# Source: https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh
# Destination: /Users/hafen/Library/rminiconda/kitools
# trying URL 'https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh'
# Content type 'application/x-sh' length 54554851 bytes (52.0 MB)
# ==================================================
# downloaded 52.0 MB
# By installing, you accept the Conda license:
# https://conda.io/en/latest/license.html
# Installing isolated miniconda distribution...
# ...
- Disk space: a basic Miniconda install with a few additional packages is ~250Mb
- If developing many packages with a common theme, use and maintain the same rminiconda "namespace"
- Versions: support specific versions of Python? (Miniconda versions do not match Python versions)
- Other convenience functions?
Thoughts on reticulate interfaces
- Build wrapped R-natural interfaces on Python packages? Or import classes and use methods?
- Class methods are a bit unnatural for R users
obj$method(...) <-> method(obj, ...)
- How to document / discover obj$method()?
- Wrapping is probably always best
- A best practices document might help set standards for quality
- Class methods are a bit unnatural for R users
- A few notes on reticulate
- Issues with interactive input in RStudio IDE
- Handling Python errors / print methods
Thank You
By Ryan Hafen
- 3,145