hvale vale
#feministinternet writer, words' weaver @ the queer intersection of transformative fantasy, tech, consent, privacy, ethics, revolution, pleasure & people.
A walk trough representation and inspiration aka the internet hall of fame and why we learn from examples and not talks! how a feminist internet
Feminist Principle of the Internet
Understanding risks in the continuum of our lives #feministinternet #digitalsafety #digitalbodies
Internet superpowers, the Feminist Principles of the Internet (FPIs) #feministinternet #solidarity
://EROTICS exploratory research on sexuality, rights and the internet
it's political, it's not comfortable but you can take breaks, an updated version on violence in the continuum of the internet
an updated version on violence against women in the continuum of the internet
Thinking you campaign
internet, cloud and data
ili zašto i kako preuzeti kontrolu nad tehnologijom
Technology and the internet are not born male, we recognize the "fathers" but we want to celebrate the many mothers too!
Women rock IT 2016
Gender Agenda - Experiences from transition countries European Perspective(s)
it's political, it's not comfortable but you can take breaks
Utjecaj interneta na druga prava #takebackthetech
or the Open Data Initiative that has provided the first freedom of information portal in sub-Saharan Africa IGF2013 - APC
the commons a continuous fight for freedom of access, expression, information and eventually knowledge
New media in fight against discrimination and militarism few examples a lot of thoughts ;-)
community building for YouthLINC #ilabYL #sarajevo
kratka prezentacija o commons/javnih dobara ili nije sve na/za prodajiu, pravo na re-use, re-mix