Teleconferencing in Spatial Audio

A thesis by Jackson Goode

is here to stay

But it's often a tiring affair...

  • "Zoom fatigue" is real
  • Reduced dimensionality
  • Poor quality


Latency, network reliability, visual and audio fidelity can all contribute to a fatiguing experience


But software can also play a major role

Issues in Teleconferencing

Don't reinvent the wheel - instead focus on one critical component

How can the treatment of audio bring us to the goal of telepresence, and closer to realistic conversations

Replicate how real interactions take place

  • Spatial model, spatial audio
    • Visual-aural coherency
    • Binaural audio
  • Benefits from the literature
    • Lateralizing audio can improve intelligibility
    • Disentangle double-talk
    • And more: reduce cognitive load, improve comprehension, and is generally more favorable

Jitsi Meet

An open source video conferencing platform


An API in Javascript for working with audio



  • Capturing participants' audio streams (WebRTC)
  • Head-related transfer functions via PannerNode
  • Dynamic processing of participants

A short demonstration

Validating with
a user study

There was support for four hypothesis of perceived metrics:

  • Decreased cognitive effort
  • Increased social presence
  • Increased vocal intelligibility
  • Increase in opinion score



And the future?

Toward a Telepresence of Sound

By jacksongoode

Toward a Telepresence of Sound

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