Cognitive Training: impact on Rest and Task
The PACR Study
Plasticity-based Adaptive Cognitive Remediation
Resting State (Sanity Check)

Tasking State (Sanity Check)

Resting State (Overview)

Tasking State (Overview)

wthn_cor ~ group*session +
fd_mean +
gcor +
(1 | participant)
wthn_cor = within network correlation
group = control or experimental
session = pre or post
fd_mean = framewise displacement (movement)
gcor = global correlation
(1 | participant) = participants get their own "mean" within network correlation
Main Question
Do the within network correlations change differently from pre to post in the experimental group relative to the control group?
Resting State

Tasking State

Resting State

Tasking State

Tasking State: Limbic

all_comp_post ~ all_comp_pre +
correlation_pre +
correlation_post +
gcor_post +
fd_mean_post +
group +
Behavior Model
Resting State

Tasking State

By James Kent
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