Jason Adams
Senior engineer at Impress.org with a love for mentoring and coaching growing devs, coming up with simple solutions to complex problems, and hanging out with my wife!
1. PHP 5.6+
2. Gutenberg
3. No more IE 10
"It took me 4 hours to find this stupid bug."
"I'm... not even sure how this function works anymore."
"How did it even get that value!? That shouldn't be possible!"
"So where should I make this thing? Is here fine?"
Someone else already had that problem and, yes, they already solved it.
1. Creational
2. Structural
3. Behavioral
Post Status
Each Value Object instance should represent a single (scalar) value.
Store everything you need to make your value meaningful.
Protect the value’s integrity.
Single Responsibility
Liskov Substitution
Interface Segregation
Dependency Inversion
Don't use them.
Alain Schlesser has a great article on this with many well laid out alternatives:
Let the factory manage the conditions of the object creation.
Don’t mix creation with implementation.
By Jason Adams
Senior engineer at Impress.org with a love for mentoring and coaching growing devs, coming up with simple solutions to complex problems, and hanging out with my wife!