Machine Learning
The Fundamentals
SpringOne Tour / Istanbul
About Presenter James Weaver
Java Champion, JavaOne Rockstar, plays well with others, etc :-)
Author of several Java/JavaFX/RaspPi books
Developer Advocate & International Speaker for
Mission: "Transform how the world builds software"
Mission: "Transform how the world builds software"
Some Pivotal involvement in machine learning
From introductory video in Machine Learning course (Stanford University & Coursera) taught by Andrew Ng.
Self-driving cars
Generating image descriptions
Supervised Learning
Supervised learning regression problem
Unsupervised Learning
Unsupervised learning finds structure in unlabeled data
(e.g. market segment discovery, and social network analysis)
Reinforcement Learning
AlphaGo is a recent reinforcement learning success story
Supervised Learning
(Let's dive in now)
Supervised learning classification problem
(using the Iris flower data set)
Visualizing Iris dataset with TensorFlow tool
Modeling the brain works well with machine learning
(ya think?)
Anatomy of an Artificial Neural Network
(aka Deep Belief Network when multiple hidden layers)
Neural net visualization app (uses Spring and DL4J)
Entering feature values for prediction (classification)
Simple neural network trained for XOR logic
forward propagation
Feedforward calculations with XOR example
For each layer:
Multiply inputs by weights:
(1 x 8.54) + (0 x 8.55) = 8.54
Add bias:
8.54 + (-3.99) = 4.55
Use sigmoid activation function:
1 / (1 + e
) = 0.99
Excellent video on neural networks
Simple neural network trained for XOR logic
back propagation (minimize cost function)
Lab Exercise / Visualizing Gradient Descent:
Linear Regression app developed by Katharine Beaumont
Make Your Own Neural Network (book)
Contains details on how weights and biases are adjusted during back propagation
Excellent video on gradient descent
Visual Neural Network application architecture
Spring makes REST services and WebSockets easy as π
The app leverages machine learning libraries found at
Code that configures our speed dating neural net
To quickly create a Spring project, visit
Lab Exercise:
For each of the four dataset icons (Circle, Exclusive Or, Gaussian, and Spiral):
- Select only the X1 & X2 features
- Modify the hyperparameters in such a way that minimizes the number of Epochs required to make the Test loss and Training loss each <= 0.009
- Tweet screenshot with your lowest Epochs result tagging @JavaFXpert in the message.
Practice tuning neural network hyperparameters
Is Optimizing your Neural Network a Dark Art ?
Excellent article by Preetham V V on neural networks and choosing hyperparameters
Various Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Network for recognizing images
Convolutional neural network architecture
[by Adit Deshpande]
Peeking into a convolutional neural network [by Adam Harley]
Time series prediction with neural networks
What is happening? What is most likely to happen next?
This is a job for a Recurrent Neural Network
What is happening? What is most likely to happen next?
Recurrent Neural Network
vs. traditional feed-forward network
Music composition with an RNN
Predicting the most likely next note
Playing a duet with neural networks
Playing a duet with neural networks
Unsupervised Learning
@KatharineCodes @JavaFXpert
(Let's dive in now)
Using unsupervised learning to map artworks
Euclidian distance for high-dimensional vectors
Using unsupervised learning to map words
word2vec vector representations of words
Using unsupervised learning to map words
word2vec vector offsets for gender relationships
Using unsupervised learning to map words
word2vec vector offsets for plural relationships
Using unsupervised learning to map words
word2vec vector arithmetic
word2vec vector arithmetic
King – Man + Woman = Queen
Visualizing word2vec words & points
using Tensorflow Embedding Projector
Inspecting word embeddings
Reinforcement Learning
(Let's dive in now)
Reinforcement Learning tabula rasa
Using BURLAP for Reinforcement Learning
Learning to Navigate a Grid World with Q-Learning
Rules of this Grid World
- Agent may move left, right, up, or down (actions)
- Reward is 0 for each move
- Reward is 5 for reaching top right corner (terminal state)
- Agent can't move into a wall or off-grid
- Agent doesn't have a model of the grid world. It must discover as it interacts.
Challenge: Given that there is only one state that gives a reward, how can the agent work out what actions will get it to the reward?
(AKA the credit assignment problem)
Goal of an episode is to maximize total reward
This Grid World's MDP (Markov Decision Process)
In this example, all actions are deterministic
Agent learns optimal policy from interactions with the environment (s, a, r, s')
Visualizing training episodes
From BasicBehavior example in
Expected future discounted rewards, and polices
This example used discount factor 0.9
Low discount factors cause agent to prefer immediate rewards
How often should the agent try new paths vs. greedily taking known paths?
Q-Learning approach to reinforcement learning
Left | Right | Up | Down | |
... | ||||
2, 7 | 2.65 | 4.05 | 0.00 | 3.20 |
2, 8 | 3.65 | 4.50 | 4.50 | 3.65 |
2, 9 | 4.05 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 4.05 |
2, 10 | 4.50 | 4.50 | 5.00 | 3.65 |
... |
Q-Learning table of expected values (cumulative discounted rewards) as a result of taking an action from a state and following an optimal policy. Here's an explanation of how calculations in a Q-Learning table are performed.
Tic-Tac-Toe with Reinforcement Learning
Learning to win from experience rather than by being trained
Inspired by the Tic-Tac-Toe Example section...
Tic-Tac-Toe Learning Agent and Environment
Our learning agent is the "X" player, receiving +5 for winning, -5 for losing, and -1 for each turn
The "O" player is part of the Environment. State and reward updates that it gives the Agent consider the "O" play.
Tic-Tac-Toe state is the game board and status
States | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
O I X I O X X I O, O won | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
I I I I I I O I X, in prog | 1.24 | 1.54 | 2.13 | 3.14 | 2.23 | 3.32 | N/A | 1.45 | N/A |
I I O I I X O I X, in prog | 2.34 | 1.23 | N/A | 0.12 | 2.45 | N/A | N/A | 2.64 | N/A |
I I O O X X O I X, in prog | +4.0 | -6.0 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | -6.0 | N/A |
X I O I I X O I X, X won | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
... |
Q-Learning table of expected values (cumulative discounted rewards) as a result of taking an action from a state and following an optimal policy
Actions (Possible cells to play)
Unoccupied cell represented with an I in the States column
Tic-Tac-Toe with Reinforcement Learning
Through the Eyes of a Self-Driving Tesla
Summary of links
Andrew Ng video:
Iris flower dataset:
Visual neural net server:
Visual neural net client:
Deep Learning for Java:
Spring initializr:
A.I Duet application:
Self driving car video:
Machine Learning
The Fundamentals
Machine Learning Exposed: The Fundamentals
By javafxpert
Machine Learning Exposed: The Fundamentals
Machine Learning Exposed fundamental concepts. Shedding light on machine learning.
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