Juan Carlos Ponce Campuzano

The University of Queensland

Mathematical Educational Software Interest Group (MESIG)

Friday 11, December 2020. Hosted online by 🔗 CARMA

A virtual platform for remote learning

to foster active engagement


1. What is GeoGebra?


2. What is GeoGebra Classroom?

3. Demonstration

Open source mathematics software

1. What is GeoGebra?

Markus Hohenwarter

Creator of GeoGebra

First version: 2001-02

1. What is GeoGebra?


1. What is GeoGebra?

🖥️ Classic

Desktop version

📱 Applications

Smartphones & tablets version


1. What is GeoGebra?

🖥️ Classic

Desktop version

📱 Applications

Smartphones & tablets version

  • Version 5 (Java)
  • Version 6 HTML5
  • Graphic calculator
  • Geometry
  • Scientific calculator
  • CAS
  • 3D
  • Augmented reality

1. What is GeoGebra?

1. What is GeoGebra?

1. What is GeoGebra?


  • Worksheets
  • Books
  • Groups
  • Notes
  • Classroom

1. What is GeoGebra?

GeoGebra Classroom

1. What is GeoGebra?

2. What is GeoGebra Classroom?

  • assign interactive and engaging tasks
  • view live updated progress of students
  • ask questions and see all student answers instantly
  • facilitate rich, interactive discussions

GeoGebra Classroom is a virtual platform through which teachers can

1. Click on the button

2. Title you class

3. Share the code or link

2.1 How can we create a class in GeoGebra Classroom?

2.2. Demonstration GeoGebra Classroom

Please, join the class:


🔗 https://www.geogebra.org/classroom/gqavajbf​



Note: You don't need to have a GeoGebra account.

Online resources

GeoGebra tutorials

🔗 GeoGebra Classroom

🔗 Classic

🔗 Suite


🔗 Notes

Activities used


Juan Carlos

Ponce Campuzano


GGB profile:


GeoGebra Classroom: A virtual platform for remote learning to foster active engagement

By Juan Carlos Ponce Campuzano

GeoGebra Classroom: A virtual platform for remote learning to foster active engagement

A brief introduction to GeoGebra, its online tools, and GeoGebra Classroom. Presented at the Mathematical Educational Software Interest Group (MESIG) Friday 11 December 2020 https://carma.newcastle.edu.au/meetings/mesig2020/

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